The Zendesk systems have been a target for spambots over the last 3 months and we have tried various methods of prevention to block or deter spammers from posting on the Pioneer support forums. Unfortunately of late, many legitimate customers got caught in the system designed to make it better and instead, it made for a much worse end-user experience. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The moderation method has been lifted and unfortunately, due to the massive amount of spam posts mixed in with legitimate posts in our moderation queue, we will be dumping any content that had been moderated over the last while. What this means is you will have to post anew, but your new topics and comments on existing threads will appear immediately.
We have had to implement a ban on some of the popular free-email hosts:,, and - others may be added to this list as we try to use this method, plus a black-listing of new spammers as they are posted, to keep the content relevant here on the Pioneer forums.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience of this matter and will do our best to address your product questions in a timely manner!