
XDJ-AERO - WiFi Setup Instructions

There are two methods to configure the XDJ-AERO's wireless networking:

  2. As a CLIENT

If you are using the XDJ-AREO as a stand-alone device and want to create its own network to which you will connect other wireless devices, follow the instructions below for ACCESS POINT configuration.

If you already have a wireless network (access point) configured and you would like to connect the XDJ-AREO into that existing network, follow the instructions below for CLIENT configuration

To configure the XDJ-AREO as an ACCESS POINT:

  • Turn on the XDJ-AERO
  • Press and hold the UTILITY button to enter the utility mode
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN SETTING, push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select RESET TO DEFAULT, push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select YES, and push the knob to select it
  • The screen will show RESET TO DEFAULT
  • Push the knob to return to the previous menu
  • Press and hold the POWER to turn off the XDJ-AERO
  • Unplug the power cable and leave it unplugged for 30 seconds
  • Re-connect the power cable and turn on the XDJ-AERO
  • Press and hold the UTILITY button to enter the utility mode
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN SETTING, push the knob to select it
  • MODE will appear in the display, push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select ACCESS POINT(AP) and push the knob
  • If prompted to APPLY CHANGES?, turn to select YES and push the knob to accept
  • Push the BACK button
  • Turn the knob to select NETWORK SETTING, and push the knob to select it
  • Choose an SSID name for your WiFi network using the knob to change characters, press the BACK button to erase characters, push the knob when you are done
  • You are next shown SECURITY, turn the knob to select OPEN and push the knob
  • You will see CAUTION: NO SECURITY? on screen, turn the knob to select YES, and push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select OTHERS, and push the knob to select it
  • CHANNEL NO. will appear in the display, push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select AUTO, push the knob to select it
  • If prompted to APPLY CHANGES?, turn to select YES and push the knob to accept
  • Turn the knob to select DHCP SERVER, and push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select ENABLE, and push the knob to select it
  • If prompted to APPLY CHANGE?, turn to select YES and push the knob to accept
  • Push the BACK button
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN INFO, and push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select IP ADDRESS, and push the knob to select it
  • Your IP address should show as something similar to (the default value), turn the knob to scroll to the right to show the full number
  • Press the INFO button to exit the Utility mode

You should now be ready to connect a device to your XDJ-AERO. If you have chosen an SSID previously used by a device, be sure to use the FORGET NETWORK function of your device to remove any previously stored credentials.

After you have confirmed the ability to connect to your XDJ-AERO, be sure to set-up some network security:

  • Press and hold the UTILITY button to enter the utility mode
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN SETTING, push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select NETWORK SETTING, and push the knob to select it
  • Push the knob to keep your existing SSID
  • You are next shown SECURITY, turn the knob to select WPA2 and push the knob
  • You are next shown PASSWORD, enter a password - turn the knob to select a character, press the BACK button to erase characters
  • When you are done entering your password, push the knob to accept it
  • If prompted to APPLY CHANGES?, turn to select YES and push the knob to accept
  • Press the INFO button to exit the Utility mode

Before connecting with your device again, be sure to use the FORGET NETWORK function to remove any previously stored credentials as your XDJ-R1 wireless network now requires a password with WEP128 security as it did not before.

Once your device has connected, showing the information for that network should reveal the following information:

  • IP Address: 192.168.1.x
  • Subnet Mask:
  • Router:
  • DNS:

You will now be able to connect to your XDJ-AERO with the rekordbox mobile application or rekordbox on your computer

To configure the XDJ-AREO as a CLIENT:

  • Turn on the XDJ-AERO
  • Press and hold the UTILITY button to enter the utility mode
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN SETTING, push the knob to select it
  • MODE will appear in the display, push the knob to select it
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN CLIENT and push the knob to accept it
  • If prompted to APPLY CHANGES?, turn to select YES and push the knob to accept
  • Push the BACK button
  • Turn the knob to select SELECT SSID, push the knob to accept it
  • Find the name of the wireless network you wish to connect to and push the knob to select it
  • Enter the wireless key (password) for that network, use the knob to select the character, press the BACK button to erase characters - press the knob when you are done
  • After a moment, the screen will show CONNECTED, press any button to dismiss the message
  • Press the BACK button
  • Turn the knob to select WLAN INFORMATION, push the knob to accept it
  • Here you can confirm the IP address is within the range provided by your access point

You can now find the XDJ-AREO as a linkable device within rekordbox on a computer also connected to the same network, or within rekordbox mobile from a mobile device also on the same network.

If you require further assistance, please post a topic in the XDJ section of the forums.

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