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Track will skip

Hi people,

Hope you can help with the following...

I have got the DDJ 400. I have noticed that every now and then the track I am playing will 'jump' and lag slightly then carry on playing normally.

I have a new windows-based laptop (ASUS X415) which I have bought specifically for the controller. I do not use the laptop for anything else. 

Has anyone else had a same issue? Could it be a setting within the RekordBox software, or could it be a laptop issue?


Harry Michaels Answered

Official comment


Too many things it could possibly be... my first recommendation would be to make sure rekordbox has completed the analysis of songs in the collection. If that's not the issue, then adjust the audio buffer for your DDJ in the rekordbox preferences.

Failing that, file an inquiry ticket here and our support team will gather some additional information to assist you in resolving this issue.

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