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Using Rekordbox in HID mode - only on one deck

I don't have enough USB ports on my laptop and I don't want to risk using a hub. 

I have my main crate on a USB stick, so I am planning to use plug this into one deck, and use the ethernet cable to be able to play the music from both decks. 

also would like the functionality of having my entire library with me, in case I want to deviate beyond my main crate. Can I plug my laptop (mac) straight into the CDJ and use HID mode on only one deck? 

Unfortunately I don't own any CDJs, so whenever I want to test anything I have to wait for my next gig! 


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Just to add - at my last gig when I tried to plug the laptop directly to one deck, I couldn't make it work... But I don't know if I was missing something in the settings, etc. 

N AJ 0 votes
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Yes, you could use the HID control for only one deck - and depending on the model, you may only need to connect one USB cable for two CDJs if they're linked and you have the link driver installed (driver required for Windows only)... but that said, they're in HID mode, you can easily connect them through a USB hub - just make sure it does not have a VIA chipset as those are known to cause problems for audio and MIDI devices.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks. Would I be right in saying I'd need a CDJ-3000 for this functionality? And a 2000NXS2 would not?

And if so, would a pair of 3000 be able to run off a single USB cable to a single deck?

N AJ 0 votes
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