Rock solid updates please. No need for an ever changing version update road map with a moving timeline. Yes surprise us with V2 on Jan 19th!
I hope Pioneer can up their game re OS requests, bugs and missing features to keep the Toraiz at the races
I really want to keep my Toraiz, it sounds great and is a joy to use (apart from the obvious downright basic missing features (copy/paste etc.), but if Akai offer it all from day 1, then I forsee alot of users jumping ship, myself included.
Come on Pioneer, give us more details of the roadmap for new updates please....
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Rock solid updates please. No need for an ever changing version update road map with a moving timeline. Yes surprise us with V2 on Jan 19th!
Good idea David,I thought the same I keep the toraiz for when using the cdj s and the mpc live for taking it with me wherever I want then maybe after making something on the mpc I can transfer it to the toraiz and use it in the mix with the cdj s
I literally got my Toraiz a few days ago, I am within the return period...I am thinking hard. Akai history vs recent releases. The Toraiz seems stable, I easily grasp the workflow but it is short on some features. I would really like to see a more detailed roadmap.
Bear in mind that it remains to be seen (or heard!) how these new Akai's actually sound. The Toraiz sounds incredibile, which for me is it's biggest selling point.
Let's hope Pioneer are forthcoming with their roadmap...
I agree, the Toraiz does sound great. A few more (basic) sampling features and a few more sequencing features, a few more effects, envelopes and LFOs per track and I could be pretty content.
The workflow is different than a MPC and I don't think either is a direct replacement for the other BUT there is a lot of overlap in target market.
I actually bought the Toraiz as an alternative to an Octatrack, I wanted a simpler workflow. Now I am missing a few important features.
I am sure Pioneer has known about the new MPCs for awhile, let's hope that Pioneer takes the gloves off and delivers some more amazing updates and a solid roadmap.
It's a sad day for the SP-16. Pioneer had a real shot at this market. However, I will always admire them for trying and I will never forget that. Thank you!
@Dustin, I could see myself owning both the T and 1 of the new MPC's - there is some overlap as you say, but workflow is different. MPC X could be a great alternative to the DAW. I jsut sold my Octatrack a few days ago :) I jsut wish Pioneer would fix such simple things as copy and paste - I mean has anyone in Pioneer actually sat down with the T for hours to try to make a track? :) (I know they probably have, and I know they probably rushed to get to market before Akai - hence we are here today!!)
@Clay, I wouldn't be too despondent about this. It will be months I reckon before the MPC's come to market and they will have their issues too. There are still 1 or 2 more official firmware releases to come from Pioneer, and I am holding out for some good updates. My rep told me they are making other moves into the producer market, so I really doubt they will leave the T in the dust. Until then, make some nice grooves :)
There are a lot of things that I like about my Toraiz but damn, Akai just punched Pioneer on the jaw. I just watched these 2 SOS videos:
The X is too much for me. I got the Toraiz for playing out live with other gear. The MPC Live though...Shipping with a lot of features missing on the Toraiz plus a lot more usage of the touch screen, more effects.
I am not committing to jumping ship but I am definitely researching the Live while I have a return window available to me on the Toraiz...
Yeah, teh X is too close to a DAW for me! I do like the 8 CV / gate out though - nice touch.
You know, I think the Toraiz and the Live would be a GREAT pairing. I need to research more and see if the Live can play long samples, that could be the basis of a gig - playing backing tracks and jamming over them with both machines, maybe running the T through the Live to take advantage of the Kaoss pad-like screen FX on the Live. A beat repeat master FX is sorely missing on the T.
Damn. This is the most action this forum has gotten in forever! Haha.
I'm very sorry to say but i think this could be the Toraiz killer. 😞 I really don't want to jump ship but I'm worried that even with new OS updates Pioneer won't be able to catch up with the new MPC features (cut, paste, copy, undo, multitouch screen, battery power, 16gb, proper midi sequencing, audio tracks, kaoss pad like effects, etc.). I'm really hoping Pioneer announces a big OS update at NAMM (2.0? 🙂). Otherwise I'm seriously going to have to give this MPC Live some thought.
PLEASE Pioneer catch up! I love the DS filter & my step sequencer.
I would guess that Pioneer are not sleeping on this, and that they have plans to bring more to the Toraiz, I just wish they would communicate a bit more openly about the roadmap.
I know that it is risky for companies to commit to feature updates as it brings a world of pressure, but it would be good to know that we might be able to copy and paste a trig in the next 3 months :)
Man I hope they wont let us down....the Toraiz can be so great just add/upgrade new features so we wont feel to loose money to sell/trade our Toraiz for a MPC live come on...
You could buy an mpc live and a used octatrack for £1550. Or a Toraiz for £1250...Pioneer need to Lower prices and get a huge update in there quick or sales on this are gonna totally dry up. No one's gonna not buy an mpc live and buy a toraiz on the promise things might get added in a year. Sales will dry up, updates will end. Pioneer shouldn't have been so greedy with their pricing from day one.
And now denon sc5000 to compete against the cdj2000nxs2 with dual output on 1 player so 2 players will give you 4 channels no need for 4 units anymore
Exactly the Toraiz for the studio and the MPC live for anything else...I have to let go of my Monomachine to pay for the MPC...
THE MPC LIVE IS AWESOME. No bugs yet either.