Official comment

Hi srmaietta,
Thanks again for this feature request. I've let our engineers know.
I really understand that the Toraiz was designed from the viewpoint of the DJ, but it is actually a music production tool. Limiting patterns to four bars in length is quite restrictive. If there could be a way to assign patterns to longer than four bars that would be great. Please!
Hi srmaietta,
Thanks again for this feature request. I've let our engineers know.
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Pattern chain is the way forward I think
Pattern chain would do it I guess, but may not really fit within the whole scene structure. Even patterns of diff lengths within a scene may mess up the arranger method..? Maybe you'd have to assign one pattern as the master.. not sure how to proceed, but like the classic MPC or Ableton clips workflow, different patterns of diff bar length is how most music is structured.
I think 16 bar patters could be implemented by using shift+bar button to switch between 4x4 bars, just an idea for the developers at Pioneer DJ ;)
because the shift key is used very little on toraiz.
on other units is a fundamental key!
but there are still many aspects to implement and bugs to fix!
I think the limit of 4 bar is less hassle now
Maybe 4x4 on each bar making it 16 on all 4 bars.
Agreed. For me resampling with live filter automation or p locks is not optimal with a 4 bar limit. Also, I am in DnB with 175xx bpm where 4 bars doesn't go a long way and most loops / changes in genre are usually 8. I produce the same way so pattern arranger things is nightmare. A quick easy pattern chain method would solve that one, though still way more hassle factor not being able to produce 8+ bar patterns
Could be easy enough and just make different color for 1-4, 5-8 etc. .. a shift + 1 2 3 4 to select which bar segment is selected.
Please pioneer work on it !
There seems to be an Elektron wise Solution : PLay 8 bar loops the following way
0. Put the sample trigger on the 1st Step.
1. Set a 4 bar Loop Pattern
2. Go to the the sample you want to use ... enter the LFO (at the right bottom of the sample browser )
3. On the LFO set it on : Start
4. Ofset : 50
5. Speed -32 ( or +32) (for other lenghts you may try -64 or + 64 )
6. Sync : on
7: Shape : saw
Now youve got an 8 bar loops !! ;)
Lech's idea is GREAT!!!
I produce prog psytrance, and like to play live using Toraiz, but 4 bars is too short, it's good for house maybe. The only enhancement I'm waiting for - is increaing the bar limit - up to 16 would be fantastic.
Except that Toraiz has no weak points, and sounds fantastic! Cheers to the inventers:)