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RMX 500 & DJM 450

Can I use the RMX 500 with the new DJM 450 via the usb send/return on the mixer?

C Sygrove Answered

Official comment


No, the send/return on the DJM-450 is a digital send/return not 1/4" jack.  But you could connect the master output of the DJM-450 to the input on the RMX and the output of the RMX to the PA system.

Mark Gallo
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I want to know too. Thought I could switch between usb and analog send/return when I bought it. 

Maybe a massive firmware update to the rmx series is what is needed?

Mathis Fcyn 0 votes
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if i put it in send / insert it will work??? maybe with a new firmware, will be possible???

Dj OG Lopez 0 votes
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Again, the DJM-450 does not have an analog send/return so you cannot connect an RMX unit by the traditional method.  You would have to use the Master Output method as I mentioned above.

Mark Gallo 0 votes
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Alright I understand I can't connect it to send/return, but can I connect it to the aux output? In the manual it says samplers etc, can be connected to aux. I've got two cdjs already connected on both channels. Thank you so much!!

Brandon Lecher 0 votes
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@Brandon > No; the AUX is an input, and if you connect the output to the RMX and back to the AUX input, you'd create a feedback loop, which would end up overpowering the signal and making a high-pitched whine. The only recommended connection is post-master or, if you're using line-input devices, between one device and the mixer input.

Pulse 0 votes
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I've managed to get everything set up as above. But the volume is very low. Is this now normal because I'm going through the rmx output to PA system? Or is there something I can do to get more volume? Thanks

Andy Frost 0 votes
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