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The real pain of no UNDO

You have a nice pattern


You are jamming some ideas out over it


You suddenly realise that record was on


Your pattern does not have the number 1 hit mojo it had 10 seconds ago!


Yes, I know you could have saved as you go along, but realistically, who does this every 30 seconds?


Yes, I know I can go into the trig page and try to get rid of them 1 by 1, but that's a buzz kill and may not get you back to where undo would


No, I cannot think of many machines out in the market today that DO NOT HAVE UNDO


end of rant....

Simon Fine

Official comment


Hi Simon,

The UNDO feature has already been requested. Our engineers are aware of this and are currently working on a solution.

Thank you for your patience.


Stephen Herdman
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Very agreeable.



Copy/Paste of triggers (at least BAR)

Sample delete


Amongst many other important things, in my opinion these three must be placed at the top of current update list.


It is almost mysterious how these essentials could be omitted and in other words, once they become available we will be relieved from stress in a way more than we can  imagine.

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