+1 Kits and Banks would be a good upgrade
Currently in Maschine I can access unlimited banks of sounds per scene/project.
In the Toraiz sp-16 I can only use 16 sounds at once per scene.
For example i'd llike to have my 808 kit mapped out on my first 16 pads and then my 909 on the second 16 pads and synth sounds on my next 16 pads.
I'd like to be able to have access to all 48 pads at once in whatever scene i'm in; currently we can only do one bank of 16 sounds at a time.
Sometimes I want to mix and match my 808 909 and 707 kits instead of creating one 16 pad kit with all sounds.
Makes it alot easier to create this way in Maschine; they have unlimited banks. I'd settle for at least 4 banks of 16 sounds available at once like on the old akai mpc 3000, 2000 etc.
The Toraiz sp16 is a dope little piece; I just need these extras to make it more useful for standalone production.
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+1 Kits and Banks would be a good upgrade
I cannot fathom why this hasn't been done. I'm on the brink of giving this unit up.
It doesn't seem like Pioneer listens to anyone in these forums. What a disappointment. Maschine, Akai have had these features from version 1 of all of their products.
The soon to be shipped Mpc Live has 8 banks of 16 sounds accessible per track/scene/project.
Being limited to 1 bank of 16 sounds for one scene is very limiting.
I really don't want to purchase the mpc live; I do have one on order.
I'd happily cancel if pioneer at least acknowledges fixing this limitation in a future update.
So close to making this really useable to a Producer/Remixer/DJ.