well I have to say, after owning 8 different MPC's over the years, the SP-16 (v1.30) is awesome to use! Its GUI very well designed and the build quality is very solid. There are some things that are missing or needed though...
1. Sample Normalization:
when sampling from older gear, we really need to normalize the sample!
2. Sample Trim audio deletion?:
maybe I missed something ? But we need to be able to permanently delete unwanted parts of a Sample that has been recorded or imported.
"delete selected sample range", "deletion is permanent, are you sure you wish to delete"
3. Track Mode: play a sliced Loop's Slice Points randomly OPTION, without playing entire loop.
(so rather than being in Slice Mode, you are in Track Mode, and when you hit the Track's pad, it can cycle randomly through your Splice Markers...
example: you sample 16 different Closed Hihat samples from an 808. And when you are in track mode, you keep hitting the Pad and it randomly triggers any of the 16 Slice points. Therefore, triggering any of the 16 hi hat samples for an orgianic feel.)
4. TR-909 Velocity/Accent Weak and Strong mode for Trigger step-sequencing like the real 909!!
The biggest weakness seems to be not having a half-velocity level mode for the 909/808 style Triggers.
"BASS DRUM, SNARE DRUM, TOM, CLOSED HI-HAT: Each time you press the button, the setting cycles between off - weak - strong (accented)."
5. Delay FX: very disappointed with the limitations of the Delay. There are no Dotted and Tripplet 1/4, 1/8, 1/16??
Please give us a "analog Tape delay, so when we make timing changes, the sound warps accordingly, like almost every other synth or sampler has these days (software or hardware)
6. How about 2 FX per Track?
7. Reverbs Give us specific styles! Plate, Hall, Reverse, Tape Echo etc...
8. Edit START of first SLICE point.
I can't seem to be able to edit the START point of the first Slice point. This is really bad if my samples have silence before the first drum sound.
9. Full Octave+/- pitch range for the Slider? Like my MPC and SP-12.
+/- 2 notes is very limiting for real-time manipulation.
10. a second LFO
11. FILL selected Sample range or Slice with SLIENCE.
if you want to delete a Slice without messing up timing of the file, fill it with Silence Option.
thanks guys! Be great to get these in for V1.4