So i just deleted all my samples out the USB mass storage disc! and it is still saying that the unit has less than 10% space! and it has no samples in it
So I rearranged my samples, there was a error while loading them into the disc folder! now the unit it is saying that their is no available disc space and I know for a fact there is!
How do I fix this ?
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So i just deleted all my samples out the USB mass storage disc! and it is still saying that the unit has less than 10% space! and it has no samples in it
Hi David..
Might be able to help you here.
What does your disk space read in the utility menu?
it has me baffled!
Hi David.
Can you put it in USB MASS STORAGE MODE on the unit then once its connected empty the trash on your Mac.
Then check if you still get the message once you've disconnected the Toraiz.
No trash to empty
it lets me erase the folder but not the the actual unit
Hi David..
Have you connected the Toriaz via the unit by selecting the USB MASS STORAGE option in the system section on the utility menu?
Also don't try to erase the actual folders...Just empty the trash icon on your desktop or side bar.
usb mass storage mode on the toraiz then when the disc image appears on my mac i go into disk utility
No just empty the trash on your Mac.
I had it where my unit was showing 3gb left and after clearing my samples and they were in the units trash and once I emptied when connected to my Mac my unit was totally empty.
However I didn't try erasing the disk only deleting the samples then emptying the trash.
There was no files from the toraiz in my trash. Cheers for the advice, appreciate it!
No worries David..Seems like exactly the same issue as I was having.
Good luck and hope you get it sorted.