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Cdj Synchro slave to Toraiz ???

Hi ,

I'm testing the different configurations of  Toraiz Synchronisation and I would know if it's possible (I mean not but I need confirmation ) to connect Toraiz via DJ PRO Link as a master device.

Because I use my Toraiz and my only one CDJ1000 , the synchro is good when Toraiz is slave , but when I change the track on CDJ Toraiz makes a freeze (2 seconds) to recalculate the bpm sending by CDJ. It's really weird to ear ...

Could I have Toraiz in master device ? By this way , there will not problem of toraiz freeze


Ps: sorry for my bad english

Renaud Castel Answered

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Hello Renaud,

Currently you can only use Toraiz Pro Dj Link as a slave and not as a master. Also im guessing your using a CDJ-2000 not a CDJ-1000 if your connecting via Pro Dj Link. If that's the case what CDJ-2000 model are your using? Original, Nexus or Nexus 2?

Let me know, Thanks

Dj Creme
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I'm using only one XDJ1000mk2, but if you said to me that I can only use Toraiz Pro Dj Link as a slave, I've my reply... I can't send Toraiz master sycnhro signal to my XDJ.....

It's sad , do you think it would be update in that way ?


Renaud Castel 0 votes
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this is a common suggestion and we have notified the production team on this request. hopefully it an be added on future updates.

Dj Creme 0 votes
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