What browser are you using? I am fine with Chrome on windows PC.
Dear Pioneer DJ,
After you enabled the common account feature across all Pioneer DJ related sites - login to the forum has been problematic. When entering the forum, if previously logged in successfully, indications are that everything is fine. When trying to create a new post, or reply to an existing one, the forum claims you are in fact not logged in, and have to log in again. This sometimes gets the user stuck in a loop, where he or she keeps being redirected to the login page. Clicking the "Remember me .." checkbox has no effect.
Numerous users have reported this problem, so please ask your dev. guys to have a look at it!
Post is closed for comments.
What browser are you using? I am fine with Chrome on windows PC.
Windows 10 with Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87. This problem was first adressed here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/toraiz/permalink/298982823849318/
same issue here on my mac with safari, all the latest versions. I am constantly having to login to post or reply even though it shown me being logged in
Dear all,
We are investigating this issue.
Thanks for your patient.
Masanori @ Pioneer DJ
Many thanks, Masanori! :)
same problem on internet explorer under win10. firefox works fine.
Me too. Edge and chrome are NG. Firefox on Android works ok. Came to have a rant, will have to wait ;-)
Dear all
Thanks for your patient.
We've identified why this happens. We are working on the fix right now.
just wanted to share our progress with you.
Keep you posted.
Dear all,
We have applied a fix today.
Please let me know if everything is OK.
Thanks for your feedback.
Dear Masanori,
It now works in Microsoft Edge, but is completely broken for users using Google Chrome. When clicking "Log in..", the redirecting mechanism is stuck in an infinite loop.
I would just like to add that it's not only the forum not working now, but all Pioneer DJ related webpages.
Hi Tord,
Can you please try cache clear then access the page?
I am using Chrome and it works as expected.
Hi again Masanori,
Seems like that did the trick! Thanks! :) I have tested and re-tested it now, and everything works as expected!
Hi Tord,
Thanks for letting me know.
Many thanks,
Masanori @ Pioneer DJ