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Toraiz AS-1 Arp mode with SP-16

I just got the AS-1 and I'm trying to control it with the Toraiz SP-16.  I can trigger notes just fine, set scale, record, etc.  I cannot make the AS-1's arp mode work while controlling it with the SP-16.  I'm missing something.  HALP!!  

Thanks in advance!

Malik Idbeis Answered

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Hello Guys, 

The benefits of using the dedicated AS-1 channel is that you can set scales and also navigate the Banks and presets from the SP-16 screen.  

As far as using the ARP, are you programming a sequence in the SP-16 and trying to use the ARP at the same time?

Dj Creme
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I am trying to find more info about precisely what benefits the "dedicated AS-1 channel mode" provides. Can you help me with this? My SP16 is on the way. Debating about swapping a different synth for the As-1 just for the connectivity, if it's awesome.

BobbyDuracel 0 votes
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I'm not actually sure.  I don't know know much about the dedicated channel, to be honest.  The SP-16 did recognize the AS-1 though.  Mostly I like using the SP-16 because it lets me record live with the AS-1.  Hopefully someone from Pioneer will chime in.

Malik Idbeis 0 votes
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Yeah, basically.  I just got the AS-1 on Thursday, so I'm still learning.  Here's what I'm doing.  I have the AS-1 hooked in to the SP-1 via midi cable and I set up midi instrument on one of the channels.  I can trigger the notes on the AS-1 via the SP-16 in scale mode. I hit record, play the notes, and I have a sequence.  In my mind, and this is where I'm guessing, I should be able to be in scale mode, turn the AS-1's ARP mode on, and play that as well.

The ARP mode won't work on the AS-1 when I have it connected this way.  Do I have it hooked up wrong?  Considering I don't know much about the dedicated channel, that very well could be happening.

Malik Idbeis 0 votes
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Can you use insert FX on the AS-1 track as if it were any other track/pad? I'm looking for something similar to my AIRA combo of the System 8 synth plugged into the MX1 (tempo-based FX, including a simulated side chain or "ducking" effect).

I assume the start/stop and midi clock commands work flawlessly between the two?


BobbyDuracel 0 votes
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Malik- Your connections are good. The AS-1 ARP gets disabled when being triggered by the SP-16. I will report this feature to the production team because I think it should't get disabled. 


Bobby-Yes you can use FX on with the SP-16 and AS-1 if you connect the Audio output of the AS-1 into a Thru channel of the SP-16. This will allow you to add the on board FX to the AS-1. 

Hope this helps.


Dj Creme 1 vote
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Ah, cool.  Ok, thanks.  I appreciate knowing I'm not doing something dumb (it happens...a lot).  And thanks for reporting it.  It'd be a neat feature.  Thanks again for your help!

Malik Idbeis 0 votes
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Hi, I have just bought both Toraiz's (love them). I am trying to work out how to connect them so I can control the AS-1 with the SP-16. Can someone please step me through what I need to do, or point me in the direction of this information in a Manual? Thanks 

Rob Cumings 0 votes
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I don’t suppose this feature has been discussed further? I really want to use the arp while I’m controlling the AS-1 with my SP-16.

Malik Idbeis 0 votes
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