Is the problem with MIDI or audio?
Hi There,
My XDJ-R1 is having issues when trying to use as a Midi Controller. Deck B isn't registering at all and pretty much all functionality has gone. It's been this way for some time with Traktor, but i purchased Rekordbox to see if the issue would disappear, but this wasn't the case.
I've read the other forum post regarding XDJ-R1 mapping issues and i've tried everything but this hasn't helped. The issue was first noticed when Deck A was playing, then Deck B was brought in - Deck B was playing through the speaker despite only being on in headphones.
Help would be greatly appreciated here!
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Is the problem with MIDI or audio?
The issue is with the Midi. I downloaded Midiox and nothing in the Mixer is sending a signal here
Just so you know, MIDI OX can't "spy" on a MIDI connection when it's already established (eg. the hardware is already connected to Traktor); did you check it with ONLY the XDJ-R1 connected, and is it in MIDI mode?
Yes, I checked it with just the XDJ-R1 connected to MIDI OX in MIDI mode.