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ddj-sr ERROR: failed to connect audio

hello, i'm italian and i try to use my ddj sr with serato. i tried different version of serato (1.9.2 and 1.8.2) and it doesn't work why?

yannick vallet Answered

Official comment


@yannick > Please verify that you have the drivers installed (if you're on PC) and that your device is appearing as connected to the computer (either through the device manager in Windows, or System Information > Hardware > USB on Mac). If not, try a different USB cable and / or USB port.

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I am getting the error about the audio as well I missed place my driver cd how can i fix it???

Smiley Patterson 0 votes
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i am using the ddjsr2 with serato dj pro , i do videos as well , getting the error failed to connect audio , this happened several times yesterday , please help and advice whats to be done , using latest version of seirra os , ddjsr2 is brand new as well .

my mac book pro is fully upgraded with a brand new 500gb ssd drive , and has no heavy data on it at all , all my music is on an external hard drive 

Senthil Kumar 0 votes
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