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New Features Request

 I'm currently moving from Traktor to RB ... being a Traktor user for over a decade now, why? Let's just say I have own reasons... but few things that bother me about RB are :

1. No Active Loop button (this is a huge draw back).

2. If I'm playing tracks from a folder/explorer mode then there is no "Search" function inside a folder, currently it only exists in collection & Playlist. I wonder why ..

3. Traktor Track Analyzing tool is much powerful then RB, I always have to manually adjust the beatgrid by myself for most of my tracks ... any plan to make it better?

4. If my track is synced mode from Deck A>B it doesn't allow me to change the BPM on either deck and even worst that if the track on 1 deck stopped already the other deck doesn't allow me to change quickly.

4. When I use CDJ 2000 nexus and HID mode to connect my notebook the track loading lags a lot.... and i thought it would be flawless since they both from Pioneer.

Any update on these would be much appreciated and if there is a plan for future release on any of these requests.


Thanks, Sam

DJ Sam

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@Sam >

1) Are you trying to "activate" an existing loop?

2) Import all your tracks to your collection, then it doesn't matter - you can search and it will find the track. If you don't have all your music imported, then you have to analyse any new song on import, so why not prepare everything in advance by having it imported, analysed, and beat gridded?

3) The analysis continues to improve with each version. Are you sure you have it set for the right mode? NORMAL mode is for songs with electronic percussion and DYNAMIC mode is for songs with a live drummer where the timing of the tempo may vary slightly.

4) When in SYNC, only the MASTER deck can change the tempo. If the deck that was the MASTER has stopped, the assignment of which deck is the master will change.

5) You'd need to provide a lot more information, as there are dozens of reasons why the track would lag when loading.

Pulse 0 votes
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First of all, Thank You for your quick reply! Here are my replies on your comment ..

1. Yes, I'm trying to activate an existing loop. for e.g. I have 4 loops in my track and i want to active the 2nd or 3rd or 4th loop on the fly as the track is being played (Not a Pre-assigned active loop, i know this is possible in RB).

2. Well, to me and some of the DJ's I have spoken to it matters a lot. Let me explain, Take an example of a search called "Michael Jackson" in my entire collection (which is 6k+ tracks) i will have over 50+ tracks as a result of that search which doesn't help me narrow down the track ... but in my music library under my "POP" or "Remix" or "Retro" folder if i search i will get immediately only 4 or 5 tracks to narrowed down to, so you see a search option under a specific folder makes a lot of sense when you have a huge collection.

3. It's good to hear that the analysis will continue to improve because "DYNAMIC" mode is an Amazing Feature by RB but, it cannot be trusted at all times, i had a very bad situation when a 90 bpm track at end suddenly jumped to 143 bpm (I don't know why it did) ... but i had my SYNC on to the other deck and the track took off and it was extremely messy situation on a Live Set. Since then i don't use much DYNAMIC mode.

4. Not sure why, but it never worked for me. I cannot change the tempo either in master or even the master is stopped if the SYNC is on. Do i need to change any settings for that in the software? I couldn't find any option for BPM lock as well inside the settings. Please Advise.

2 more IMP things to add here ...

I noticed that latest RB 5 removed the "Tempo Fader" from the deck any reason why? RB 4 used to have that ... and many DJs are very used to looking at it all the time and now it's suddenly gone.

VERY IMPORTANT! When I added a "Loop" under "Hot Cue" and I press the "Cue" button to cue that loop, it's gone. I don't know why, but i need to use the Hot Cue Button to Cue that loop, It shouldn't be like that I suppose ... once at the Cue Point I should be able to use the "Cue" button to cue the loop, Isn't that Right?


Again, thank you for looking into my requests :)


DJ Sam 0 votes
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Hey Sam,

1) There is currently only the option to set one "active loop" (which will engage when the track reaches that point). My recommendation to work-around this is to set hot-loops (store a loop as a hot cue) so you can trigger it to engage that loop when you get there, or whenever you want.

2) It sounds to me like you're not using rekordbox to its full potential by using the other features available to you -- or even by using advanced searching techniques. Simply adding a second keyword to your search term will narrow your results. You CAN search "michael jackson" and get 50 results, but if you have tagged your music, or use additional keywords in your search, those can also be used to narrow the results further.

For what it's worth, I have over 40,000 songs in my collection I deal with on a weekly basis, and I'm constantly finding ways to improve the tags and organization so I can locate the songs I want more efficiently. And there are DJs here who claim to have over 100,000 songs and are facing similar challenges, but they too are using rekordbox's tools to their advantage instead of browsing folders.

3) Automatic analysis is only so good - it's still user prudence to verify the beatgrid accuracy. It sounds tedious, but if I know the song has been analysed in dynamic mode, I scan through the whole track to verify it before I ever play it. I even use a custom tag "verified" so I know any track without that tag hasn't been checked.

4) To change the master deck, either press SHIFT+SYNC (the default hardware function to assign that deck as the master on most controllers), or click MASTER on the deck in the software. 

5) The removal of the pitch fader was a design choice; that information is still available within the display (the pitch %), and it will still tell you what your hardware position is as you move it.

6) I think that's a misunderstanding in terminology between "cue" and "hot cue." The main deck CUE can be added anywhere, you can set a loop off the main cue by first setting the cue, then create a loop (of whatever length) by pressing the auto loop button (in the software, it's the one with the number, up/left of the deck's cue button on the player).

If you want to store a loop as a hot cue (a hot loop), then set the master cue at the in-point of that loop, you can do that, but then you need to re-activate the loop as the master cue assumes the hot cue's location and disables that loop.

Pulse 0 votes
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My 2 cents about tempo fader. Removing it is a rather dumb design choice. What about controllers that do not have a tempo fader (NI Z1 for instance). How do I change tempo if i cannot click on the fader? Also what about controllers that control multiple decks thru a switch...i saw recently a pioneer one, dont remember which one, that has a small switch to swap controls between deck 1/3 and 2/4, that means when you switch the controls from deck 1 to 3 the settings in the software override the position of the hardware fader but then you'd have to move the fader to reset it...i don't want to have to think about this mess when i'm djing.

Traktor has tempo faders for every deck that can be removed via configuration menu independently for each deck.

I play most of the time on CDJs with rb usb sticks but maybe 3-4 times a year i need to use the laptop so I go with my old traktor setup.  I'd like to get rid of traktor because the added complexity of the library syncing (rekordbuddy is not working 100% in my case, i have problems with cover art pics and keys), but things like this tempo fader issue, or the ridiculously small fonts, make me believe that rb dj is not yet prime time ready so i will keep my old faithful traktor + ni hardware in service still for a while.

Julia O 0 votes
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Here are my thoughts on your recommendations that you suggested above ...

1. Yes, I'm aware about the "Hot Loop" feature and how it can be triggered but it's extremely useless at the moment because of the trigger button is located inside the box of Hot Loop and can only be triggered with a right click of the mouse "EXACTLY" on the icon, slightly outside you are totally screwed (happened to be few times on a live) because set it will engage the loop immediately and stop playing the track ... imagine when you are in the middle of a set and you have to extremely carefully bring the mouse cursor on the icon and then very carefully right click only! It doesn't seem to me like an option any DJs wanna use.

Suggestion : If you are not gonna give us an "Active" button like Traktor or Serato then at-least make our life easy and place the engage icon button outside the box and let us engage with a Left click, like how was in RB 4.5 Export Mode. Make the same in Performance mode as well and our life would be much easier.


2. I don't understand why the search function cannot be extended to the folders as well, since it's already exists in the collection it shouldn't be that difficult, this is a basic function already in Traktor & Serato but now you guys are asking all the DJs around to start using the Tag Function instead of you giving us the option to folder search? That's a huge waste of time to tag my entire collection like this Don't know what to say .... Do You Have Any Plans to Do this in the Future Release?


4. I think it's only a Problem with my Software then, because sometime it allow me to change from the hardware and sometime it doesn't, how weird is that :/


5. Kind request, please bring back the Pitch Faders and make all of our life easy, the choice of the design doesn't need to make our Job difficult. I would always wonder why it was decided to remove from the design when DJs are used to it for so many decades and in every piece of software that ever existed. This is a Big Design flaw.


6. Sorry if I wasn't clear earlier .. this is what i mean.... Set a "Hot Loop" and then if you press the 'Cue' button to cue that loop so u can play from there on with the "Hot Loop" ... the loop disappears. Why would that happen?

DJ Sam 0 votes
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Hola estoy de acuerdo ... yo era usuario  de vdj ...y nunca tuve que cambiar el grid...me parece un fallo enorme de rb

1.He tenido que cambiar la mitad de los temas.

2. No consigo hacer loop desde un hot cue , es decir pulsar un botón de hot cue y pulsar fin del loop, algo básico, espero que no me digan que tengo que preparar el BUCLE en casa. Algunos dj todavía improvisamos.... jaja

Espero que resuelvan los fallos, gracias tengo la xdj rx2...saludos

Ren3martin 0 votes
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Hace menos de 2 semanas que tengo mi DDJ RX y Rekordbox y el análisis que hace de los golpes es bastante malo. Siento decirlo pero he estado como 8-10 años usando Virtual Dj y creo que han sido muy contadas las ocasiones en las que he tenido que analizar manualmente una pista o indicarle dónde debía ir el primer beat. Espero que sea un problema al cual deis solución en un futuro cercano porque por lo demás no tengo queja de Rekordbox pero que en canciones house o big room muy marcadas a veces tengas que indicarlo manualmente me parece tedioso.

Un saludo.

Ana Martín 0 votes
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I'm just looking to provide some request of future software improvement. It seem that asking for fade in/fade out cue point is not being looked at we the importance that all DJ do consider. What about at least this two things:

1) Can Rekordbox please add memory cue to each added "hot cue" point by it self beside the manually capability of adding memory cue at different point in the track. The reason for this request is that the only way to tell how far away is the present or current position of the playing track from the up coming Hot cue is by adding a memory cue point at the same location. Why not have this take place at the same time.

2) now we have way to add color indicator to track but why is this not display as a color on the area where the BPM is display. As the track change to a new track the color on the area were the BPM is showing on the center of the platter should also change.

There are many more feature I'm sure that people are asking for but this two should be easy to accoplish.

DJ LS 0 votes
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[quote] I don't understand why the search function cannot be extended to the folders as well, since it's already exists in the collection it shouldn't be that difficult, [quote]

this was requested many many times.


It sounds to me like you're not using rekordbox to its full potential by using the other features available to you -- 

For what it's worth, I have over 40,000 songs in my collection I deal with on a weekly basis, and I'm constantly finding ways to improve the tags and organization [quote]

Pioneer claims superior search capabilities but this requires a prohibitive investment of time to manually tag 10s of thousands of tracks.

Instead what we would like to is to use the organization that (some of us) already have working fine for years (if not decades).

more detailed comments in: https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115018095303/comments/360000392646)


pedro estrela 1 vote
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