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Pioneer SP-16 - Firmware 1.4

I trust you Pioneer, I defend the SP-16 - I keep it because I have faith in the product development...

I can't describe how I'm disappointed by the content of this 1.4 firmware update and honestly 32 seconds max limit was on my cons list...

But what is interesting to make with long material, tweaking live with performance FX for instance and I would really think you will bring this from DJS1000 on the table but no you didn't ! so we stick with this crazy one FX by tracks and no capabilities to mixing those 16 tracks internally non destructively :( so bad

No extension of the Modulations destinations... :(

No new reverb algorithm :(


I honestly loose patience I waited so long for something good to happening and NOTHING REALLY ... I'm sorry you probably put real effort to get from 32sec to 64sec and it's fine but what's the point of long material if we can't turn it into something completely new LIVE I mean... 32 sec more is nothing, if people wanted more time that's probably not this amount of time they asked for... if you can't extend or change the way the user manage the memory ...

For god sake keep those limit and make something bigger like FX2 or Performance FX from DJS1000 because it's gives more modulation destination at the end... Put a EQ + FX1 on every track...

A master chain like EQ8 + Compressor + Limiter on the Master

And you end with a killer product... of course it's not perfect because you can't make long evolving sequence but let people mourning this for something better based on what the product can already propose ;)


Jessie James Answered

Official comment


I'm locking this thread as nothing here is contributing to a forward conversation about the update. We understand you're frustrated that the features or fixes you expected were not included, but I encourage you to provide that feedback in feature requests here. Please keep it constructive and clear as it's our Japanese engineers who are receiving this input. While you are welcome to complain, a feature request is not the place to do it.

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  • A proper master Effect chain (EQ4 or EQ8 + Compressor + Limiter)
    + at least an EQ by tracks + FX1

    That’s really the minimum I would like on this SP-16 :stuck_out_tongue:
    I do not think I ask too much regarding this selling price

Jessie James 1 vote
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These things take time -- while you may not have found the 32s limit to be important, I can tell you that's probably the number 1 complaint about the SP-16.

More is on the way, thanks for your feedback and patience.

Pulse 0 votes
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What good does a 64s sample do for a sequencer that is limited to 4 bars? Can you even create a project slow enough to have 4 bars take up 64s? I realize you can "trick" the SP in to playing longer samples but without being able to untie a track from the sequencer and have it free running, expanding the sample time is useless. It may have been a popular request but I don't think the people requesting it fully understand how the sequencer works.

Midnight Music Club 1 vote
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while you may not have found the 32s limit to be important, I can tell you that's probably the number 1 complaint about the SP-16

Yes but pairs with shaping capabilities, modulation destinations and also mixing + effects non destructive by tracks... otherwise it doesn't make sense to extend to 64seconds...

There plenty digital recorders out there for recording long takes ;) 

Jessie James 1 vote
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Hmmm. I don't think that's true. I have WAY more than 64s worth of samples loaded in any given project even prior to the update. I am quite sure the 64s refers to the length of any single sample. Prior to the update, you'd get an error saying the Toraiz was unable to load samples longer than 32s if you tried.

Midnight Music Club 0 votes
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Sorry, my mistake - you're correct -- but there were users asking to be able to load an entire SONG.


Pulse 0 votes
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How can the bug regarding recording midi note from keyboard on a midi track was not fixed... still have use a sample track, record, then change it to midi track...



RcMuSic 1 vote
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