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XDJ-RX2 Midi Settings in performance mode

Hi Guys!

I had som problems with the XDJ-RX2 pads, midi-settings for rekordbox in performance mode was not good at all.

So now I have created a new one. If you had problem when for example, pressed beatjump, slipmode etc.


Mikael Östlund

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Can you please elaborate on what "was not good" with the default MIDI mapping?

Pulse 0 votes
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Pressing the BeatLoop button on the hardware activates SLIPMODE in RECORDBOX, pressing the SLIPMODE button on the hardware activates BEATJUMP, pressing BEATJUMP activates the BEATLOOP function, etc. After reading in many forums, it seems like me and many others want the right function to be activated in REKORDBOX performance mode. For example, Pressing BEATLOOPMode should also enable BEATLOOP mode even in RECORDBOX PERFOMANCE mode. So, therefore, I have now spent some time creating a new MIDI setting file that corrects this.

Mikael Östlund 0 votes
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If so, me and many other have the same problem. And trying to reset MIDI in RB doesnt fix the problem. I have videorecorded this problem and sent it to my contact in sweden Tony B.

Mikael Östlund 0 votes
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It seems that the original midi file dont reflect hardware when using XDJ RX2 together with RB in performance mode. Theres many complainings about this isue, in diffrent forums..even here!

Mikael Östlund 0 votes
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Thanks so much Mikael, just downloaded your file! Got really frustrated with the wrong mapping. 

Tim Geenen 0 votes
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@Mikael since you seems to understand how rekordbox mapping works, do you know how we can replace some beatFX mapped to the RX2 with those 5.1 new ones?

djDYVE 0 votes
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Hi all, anyone got a copy of this mapping?

In a fairly comprehensive trawl of the usual mapping forums it seems this might be the only complete RX2 mapping out there... please advise!

night person 0 votes
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This link is broken or won't work for me. Can someone please post a new link to the file? 

Pioneer seems to refuse admit that they have a problem with this as per this post:

The stand-alone hardware mapping is different from the software mapping as additional functions are available while using software which are not available for stand-alone mode. As such, the engineers felt it was best to have the layout for software match the layout of the other controllers in the DDJ family so users would be comfortable moving between the DDJ and XDJ with rekordbox, or if they were using the RX2 as a stand-alone unit, the labels would indicate the functions of those controls.


The response makes no sense at all as the MIDI file for the board should work WITH THIS CONTROLLER.  I paid $1700 for THIS CONTROLLER.  Give us a file that works in Performance Mode WITH THIS CONTROLLER.

I don't use export mode because I find it much more difficult to use than Performance mode.

I as well as many other DJs who paid for this controller want this problem fixed, even if it is just a fix unique to the XDJ-RX2.


DJ Serq 0 votes
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@Angelo > As noted above, the layout (mapping) of the buttons for rekordbox performance mode matches the layout for our DDJ line of products. This provides a consistent experience when moving between units.

We understand this means the function of the buttons is not consistent between the stand-alone mode and controller mode, but if we were to have the same layout for stand-alone mode, it would have made some functions "dead" as they don't exist without rekordbox.

MIDI mode DOES WORK. If you are having a problem, please create a new post outlining the issues you're having and we'll be happy to assist you there.

Pulse 0 votes
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