Strange characters in my playlist, not Unicode format...
Since I migrated from Serato to Rekordbox, strange characters started to appear in my music tags (Chinese ideograms, @, #, etc) instead of letters with a graphic accent (Unicode). However, only in RB this happens. In no other program like mp3-Tag, Serato, Apple Music, etc. does this happen! They all show the correct characters.
I don't know what I can do to resolve this. When I adjust the RB, it appears correct. But if I put it to "reload tags" the strange characters come back! RB does not save the edit in the file metadata itself.
All my music is edited on Windows before going to Mac and I never had a problem with that when using Serato.
I'm using the mp3tag program to change the metadata version from ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1 to ID3v2.4 UTF-8 but it didn't work. It only works if I reapply the tag through the filename, but then for some reason I don't know what it is, the year of the tag has a slashed character, that is, year 2022 for example appears as 202 in rekordbox...
I've tried everything and I can't solve it...
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