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Pioneer DDJ - RR Traktor Pro 2 Mapings

I Bought yesterday The Midi Controller Pioneer DDJ-RR and i dont want to Use RekordBox

I want to Stay in Traktor Pro For many Reasons... I looking in google for mappings and none result 

Please help me !

Its Unbilievable :(

If anyone has a proper solution for me please mail me : mesolradio@gmail.com

Thank you a lot.


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Hello mate. I know - not many mappings for the DDJ-RR and Traktor. I had to create my own.

I didn't want to start from scratch, hence I downloaded this mapping for the DDJ-RX (https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/6559) and customized it. The 2 controllers are pretty similar so not much work to do.

The main difference with my mapping is the addition of the ECHO pad effect effect (same as the Rekordbox).

Happy to send you my mapping via email if you want.



Tony Giufre 0 votes
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@Tony ... I Try The link u posted and th traktor not recognise my console 

Please send me in my Email your maps.     My Email :  Mesolradio@gmail.com

I try 69 Maps from all traktor Bible site For all Pioneer consoles , that was quite close to main and recognised my console was from (Pioneer DDJ-SX2-JOVY BULOS-2015)

Please Contact me in my Mail if u can Help , I have big Problem.

Peppe 0 votes
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Bad For Me... Not Recognise the console and when i push any Button nothing happens.

No singlal at CTRL

Any idea to fix it ?

Peppe 0 votes
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I think your problem is not the mapping but the setup in Traktor.

If no signal in CTRL, check in Traktor under Preferences>Control Manager> that the IN-Port for MIDI is the DDJ-RR. I would also delete previous mappings with other controllers as they might cause a conflict

Tony Giufre 0 votes
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1.I Tried Delete All the previous Maps one by one. 

2.I chose the second of your Midi and i did a restart the tractor 

All Basic fanctions Works Well... 

The minus are :

A) No Effect's Pads working ( I dont Care , I have the others on top )

B) Problem with Headphone Mixing Button. ---- > For example :

I Have a track In Deck A (on air ) i try to listen deck B before i play --->

When Headphone mixing is on Left 100% i listen the track A with some noise ( I should listen track A Clear ) . When i turn the the Headphone Button in Middle i am listening Both Tracks Clear. ( Thats works Fine) But Something is wrong with that. 

C) No Light in Deck A-B when a Track is Playing and when the Track come to End should this light has a Trim to warn u 

Generally basic Fanction are excellent : Master Temp , Vinyl mode on,of , Hot Cues , Niddle Search , Release Search , Explorer Button + Shift (OK) , Backspin , The 3 Effects On Top ,CUE (Headpone Light works), EQ Buttons Works 

I Want to thank you by Heart For your Try and U Help me a lot. I Wish if we could Fix it 100% One Day... If we work in the Basic Problem with cue Headphones Fanction i could Rate 200% Excellent Map.

Peppe 0 votes
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Everything seems operational biside the console and i dont have any sound

If you can Tony please tell me what to do

Thank you !!!

dj dmc 0 votes
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@dj dmc > You'd need to post a screenshot showing the Audio Setup and Output Routing pages to know what you've configured in order to troubleshoot why you have no sound.

Pulse 0 votes
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2 days ago i had the worst case scenario in my job .....

I manage finally to have sound with Tony's mapping but the console on top of Traktor was orrange...so i tested it for 2 hours at my house so to be sure that i had no problem...

With this mapping the console was 80% operational with great responding so i went for work and after playing almost 2 hours the sound was started like it was Robot..

I tried everything even reinstal the console drivers and restart the pc and at the end i had to go to my place and bring my old console...(As you can imagine i didnt get paid for this night and i dissapointed a lot of people.....

For now i am using PIONEER DDJ-SR_v1 mapping that is more trusted but the console works like 50%(No needle search-no Fx-No lights at ch 1 and ch 2 and many more)

I send you the configration of this mapping and if someone can help me i would be grateful


dj dmc

dj dmc 0 votes
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its the mapping for traktor that pioneer dj Israel released


Dor Katzbourg 0 votes
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I am using the pioneer dj Israel released mapping the last 2 days at work and so far response qiut well....

Its much more better than my last mapping with more operations and THANK YOU a lot for this my friend...

I made a list for what its not working....

1 No Needle Search but responze on CTRL of Traktor

2 No sleep reverse

3 Cue button doesnt light more when you press for headphones so must always check on screan which side of headphones you are using

4 No headphones mixing and also not working with Traktor

5 No light at jogwheels...

Please let me know if something better comes up



Dj dmc

dj dmc 0 votes
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i have tested the pioneer isreal map on the DDJ RZ - its having the same problems as above, the biggest problem is no cueing system.

if you want the controller to work 100% with traktor

1. install the map

2. set traktor to external mode

3. use a traktor sound card ( i used audio 2 )

now everything works except scratchine is sloppy, searching and pitch bending fine.

popping back to traktor reminded me of how tight the beat grid is, and how dropping the a grid marker was a sure thing. something pioneer really must copy!


andyfoz 0 votes
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hello did you solve the problem? can you send me a video of how it works now?

Aleones 2 0 votes
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Sorry for not responding all this time cause i had problem with my acount and i couldn't loggin.....

The Israel map and works ok for me for the last 4 months now beside the lights on the jogs...

dj dmc 0 votes
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Hello every one!

I have a DDJ RR and i'm using on traktor scratch pro.

But i really wanna know how the jog's light can work... 


using the DDJ-RR-V3-finel.tsi 

PaulinhoBh Araujo 0 votes
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If just in case you find a way to make jog's lights operational i would be interested also ....

dj dmc 0 votes
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