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Bug Fix SP-16: Turn off midi notes when pressing STOP

I am driving synths via MIDI and sometimes the notes hang when I stop the SP-16. It seems to not send a note off if a note ss currently playing. Please send MIDI note offs for all playing notes when the sequencer is stopped.


Teles Answered

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I believe the reason it doesn't send a "Stop" is if the instrument being played has sustain, you would want that to continue rather than a cold stop.

Pulse 0 votes
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I have synth pad sounds with full sustain (only decay when note off received) and when you press stop, they never end because the sequencer does not send note offs for the notes currently playing. The sequencer isn't working as it should. If by "Stop" you mean an All Notes Off mesage, that would be a great solution as an option. I would benefit from it all the time.


Teles 0 votes
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i use a nordlead 4 with SP16, and even some of my NL are not full sustained, SP16 will make the note sustain forever if i don't kill it (panic button on NL4 that will stop all notes playing).

RcMuSic 0 votes
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