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Pioneer PLX 500 Platter Stopped and can't be start again

I have brought a PLX 500 on 13th of Sept 2017 and I just use it twice for around 1 hour of testing on my old vinyl record. Then I start to play it again on yesterday night, the platter stop after I pressed the start/stop button to change a different vinyl record and couldn't be start again. Contacted my seller, and just found that my warranty card have not been register in 14 days (mentioned in the warranty card to fill up & courier back to the HQ in Malaysia but this friday is a Public Holidays in my country which my warranty card registeration might not reach there on time). What can I do? Spending extra for the repair? It's so unfair.

DJ M.Liang Answered

Official comment


Sorry to hear that - there were some PLX-500's that could possibly exhibit this issue. There is no need to fill out or submit a warranty card to have warranty coverage; you are granted one year of warranty from the date of purchase. What your seller may be referring to is a return policy at their store - some retailers provide an exchange or return within 14 or 30 days.

At this point, you should ask your retailer if they will provide an exchange on a defective unit. If not, you will have to send it to an authorized repair shop for servicing (which is done for free).

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So I ordered a pair of the PLX 500's with cases about a month ago. Unboxed them, played with them..generally stoked. I go to practice on them today and the platter on the left table has stopped working. Checked EVERY possibility..power on because the lights are all on, can switch from 33 to 45 and back, but when I press start/stop..the platter doesn't rotate @pioneerdj

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