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PLEASE do not tell me all the improvements we have asked for toriaz SP16. Are now going to show up in the new sampler you are about to put out the DJS 1000

Just got the pioneer email for the new sampler you guys are about to launch the DJS 1000. And yet the unfinished toriaz I spent $1400 for which is sitting in its box , is still waiting for the 1.4 update. If this new sampler specs are better than the toriaz you are going to have a lot of angry people on your hands. Why do I have a feeling. This new sampler is going to have more sample time , let us toriaz users know something we did your survey. Was that for the djs1000 not the toriaz?

Mikepepp Answered

Official comment


Improvements are still coming for the SP-16, and the DJS-1000 isn't on the streets just yet. I understand you're anxious to get more information about an update, but we don't have any details available at this time, so we thank you for your patience.

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I will be furious if the improvements we have been after all this time are going into a new system and we are stuck with this half baked attempt, only time will tell but it would be the last pioneer equipment I buy if were left out to dry with this.

If this happens there is an alternative setup ive been working for anyone who's interested.

I may plan to sell my CDJ,s SP-16 and RMX and replace with the following


Traktor D2 x 2

Maschine MK3


As for the most important part converting all my playlists to another system there is Rekordbuddy which Syncs your Music DB


Should give me a similar setup (obliviously differences) to what i was hoping to gain from the pioneer equipment. Will wait until Xmas before i make the jump but i would like to hear peoples thoughts on this


Scott Rotton 1 vote
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It's seldom I hear from DJs who are "furious" about a product announcement and base a decision to switch platforms on little other information. What surprises me is that you're saying all this based on a press release for a new product which isn't available yet, and you're making assumptions about existing products. 

The SP-16 wasn't "half baked" if it didn't include everything you wanted out of the gate, and as you've seen, the engineers have made significant strides in improving the unit through firmware updates. There are more coming, but my words probably won't mean much as it sounds like you've already made up your mind and are looking for validation.

Pulse 0 votes
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Your right i have never been furious about a product announcement even when i purchased push 1 and then 2 came out 6 months after my purchase, I accepted it becase the original product was as i expected and continued to work well, I feel nothign of the sort  with this, ive stopped trying to use it until the next firmware comes out. Don't know what that says about the Toriaz or my frame of mind but from what i can see mentioned over and over again there were some huge oversights that people dont expect from a product costing this amount.

Ultimately from the layout we know that product is aimed at a similar market, my mind is far form made up i would love to not have to take the massive hit (depreciation) on the unit and all of my gear for that matter, i just need something thats going to work as I hoped it would, not knowing whats in the roadmap im sure it going to make everyone who purchased it more anxious.

Regardless of the roadmap do we even have a date is going to be released? so we at least know when to expect even if we dont know whats in it

Scott Rotton 1 vote
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Pioneer tech support, you have to understand our frustration it's like buying a Porsche turbo you get it home and find no turbo and the Porsche dealer tells you the turbo will be installed in the summer , then they change their minds and say na the end of the year , ask if you want anything new added. Then they say we're gonna change that we will let ya know - someday meanwhile you don't wanna drive it without the turbo as it depreciates. Then the dealership ( pioneer). Send you an email advertising. The new NEW Porsche turbo, 2018 and you still have the old one in the garage waiting for the promised 2017 upgrade. Would you not be upset. No sarcasm, no shade just honestly would you not hearing anything from the dealership (pioneer) piss you off just a little . And not being kept in the loop at all. Just IT'S. COMMING, I don't know about you but $1400.00 is not play money that's almost a car down payment so for a while now I've been thinking we have deserved a little more than ITS COMMING. I'm being 100 percent honest.

Mikepepp 1 vote
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Just watched the video properly its basically exactly what i was hoping the SP-16 would be even down to the dedicated performance fx nob. Lets see what comes over to us!

Scott Rotton 0 votes
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@Scott > The press release says a street date of late-October, but that doesn't always mean all regions at the same time.

@Mikepepp > Using your analogy of a product that had promised features that were not delivered, can you please enlighten me as to what features were promised in the original marketing of the SP-16 that were not delivered by the product at launch or through updates?

Pulse 0 votes
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> can you please enlighten me as to what features were promised in the original marketing of the SP-16 that were not delivered by the product at launch or through updates?


2 FX per pad which was shown in early videos and there is still the space for the 2nd FX block on the screen.


Teles 1 vote
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What features were promised in the original marketing of the SP-16 that were not delivered by the product at launch or through updates?


At least 2 fx slots, 19 different effects and as spoken on Musikmesse 2016 on April 2016 LIVE SAMPLING!!!


18 months later, reality of days on October 2017: NOTHING from features announced above.


Phunk Jamz 1 vote
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I  can live without any extra FX as ill use my Mixer channels FX for the second slot but so many work flow issues.

Not being able to see all patterns at once

Easily being able to perform FX on channels for build ups, have the option in settings to turn the filter section into it, that would be perfect, maybe hold active down until it flashes for FX performance mode

Those endless encoders for mixing don't feel right, dont feel smooth quick like other production instruments i use

Deleting Patterns isn't obvious, and an undo button would be nice.

I would of loved the bottom section to be where you choose an instrument and the pad section the sequencer so its easier to run your fingers down and set hats and kicks etc..

Obviously we have the bigger oversights like 32 second limit which is just not on for a product this price, maybe not all pads need that have the ability but at least give us 4 so we play stems or evolving pads on a few channels

And of course live sampling would be great from a sampler!

I also have major issues keeping this in time with Ableton, all my other external synths are working no problems, asked for help but never got anywhere


Maybe if there was a really easy way to map an external controller to the sp-16 to control parameters, I could add some good quality faders and dedicated FX buttons that the SP-16 is missing to make it a usable live performance controller, i wouldn't be so disappointed.

Kind of like midi map for ableton, select what you want to control on sp-16 then move you midi device.

As it stands it doesn't work for me and have seen very few people using or know of many high profile DJs that own one, hopefully this october update can change all that, but i doubt its sold anywhere near as much as pioneer would of hoped.



Scott Rotton 1 vote
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@Phunk Jamz > Those features may have been seen in a video or mentioned in a presentation, but from what I can tell, they were not included in any marketing material or product specifications. So while you may have seen them, it could well be the product team was testing them and deemed them "not quite ready" for public consumption, and thus omitted them from the initial public versions. There's a chance they are still in the pipeline for an update.

@Scott > I understand and agree with a lot of the feedback and complaints that DJs and producers have presented. Keep in mind that this is the first product of its kind for Pioneer DJ, and while the engineers took into account the functionality and performance of every other product on the market, and tried to improve upon their use and design, the end result will not always be perfect for every user. Fortunately, they have provided several updates already and have promised more to come. It's only with your comments that they know where to focus their efforts to make changes, so they are appreciated!

Pulse 0 votes
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Can somebody get to know if the looper is now cancelled or just delayed? A clear "yes" or "no" statement from Pioneer would be appreciated.

Paul Raal 0 votes
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I'll take the 64 seconds yeah . But after a year of yelling stomping ya feet saying hell no the 32sec is all you can get stop asking damn it, no no no

Mikepepp 0 votes
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Part of owning external hardware is using its limitations to ones advantage. I own many samplers (mpc live and toraiz being the newest akai s20, casio sk1/5, asrxpro being the oldest) and plan to continue hoarding more. Each piece of gear has its own personality and ability. Challenge yourself to make dope music with what you have cuz some one out there is making way tighter beats with way less. If you're unhappy with a product resell it, simple as that. The djs1000 has no multiple outputs or dave smith filters you really want to trade sample time for that? If so get you a mpc live but youll be sorely disappointed with how many button presses you have to go thru just to slice a sample, however long it is. Food for thought.

Orión García 0 votes
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