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Next update (1.5)

Could you please inform me of when the next update will be and what features will be added? I know this question is a long shot since I kindly asked this prior to the 1.4 update and received a cold shoulder. I think Pioneer should visit the "Pioneer-Toraiz DJ" site on Facebook to clearly see the reaction to the recent update. Cheers!

Morris forieri Answered

Official comment


Typically we don't provide that kind of information - it usually arrives in a "Hey it's here!" delivery, but with the SP-16, the engineers tried to provide an outline for the updates they had planned for 2017. Unfortunately that proved to be a bit of a detriment, as you are aware from the backlash users provided yesterday on the fact the sampler function was removed from the planned update at the last minute.

I've already asked the product teams to give us an official statement on the release yesterday, hopefully it will include a roadmap for you, but even I'm cautious of them issuing another.

And yes, we saw the Facebook group.

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Thank you Pulse for your quick response it is unfortunate that there is so much negativity I think there are two problems with the outcome of the update.

1) There were high expectations on the update users were excited thinking that the long awaited update was going to be a good one based on all the feature requests by the users and how Pioneer somewhat mentioned it will be a great update.

2) With the introduction of the DJS 1000 which in many ways is similar to the SP16 has the 1.4 update but with some added features excluding the 64 sec and the arranger.

I don't think I need to go on about the problems with the update it is now up to Pioneer to decide what or what not to do.

PS I think if Pioneer would have communicated differently the outcome may have been better.


Morris forieri 0 votes
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I had a brief moment this morning to test out 1.4 , and I felt like a kid on Christmas morning as I was scrolling through my samples over 32 seconds long. Then I found my way into the sequence and track editing screen. Fantastic!

All of the negativity is overshadowing these excellent upgrades.

Would I love to see the ability to delete unneeded files? Would I love live sampling? Would I love 2 FX slots per track?

Of course I would love those. But I'd rather wait patiently for the product development team to get these upgrades just right than to see Pioneer abandon this amazing machine altogether because of all of the backlash and negativity.

Pioneer, please don't give up!  If the next upgrades are as great as 1.4, I think there will be a lot of grateful first adopters like me who knew what we were buying with version 1.0, but also a lot of excited new customers, and some older angry customers who will be swayed back to the light.

Thomas Chang 0 votes
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As you might imagine, the DJS-1000 was already on the drawing board when the SP-16 was released, and staff resources overlap for the two products. I'll let you figure out the rest. ;) But no, the SP-16 isn't being left behind! It's still very much an important part of our product line and will be for some time, even along side the DJS-1000 as they are two slightly different products, each with unique features.

@Morris > I agree, the let-down for the users was the fact we had announced what the updates were going to be, and then that wasn't fully delivered.

@Thomas > Thanks, and they are working to get as many of the requested fixes, features, and updates implemented, in addition to those that were already on the books.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi Pulse,


I have to add my voice to the mix here too. I was quite disappointed with this update. There really was not much in it, particularly considering the long, long wait and promises (and hints) of long-awaited features.


Having said that I can still make music with it! In fact, I have done so from day 1 as an early adopter of the SP16. It's somewhat encouraging to read your last post, that there are still plans to develop the SP16 further. I really hope the promised live looping feature makes it into the firmware soon. Can you at least ask the dev team if this is going to make it into the SP16 for certain, whether it's in 3 months or another year?



Simon Fine 0 votes
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@Simon > The official comment is:

"We are currently reviewing the best sampler specifications suited to the SP-16’s music production design and will be working on a new firmware update when the speciation can be confirmed. Unfortunately, we can't put a date on this release yet as it is dependent on our engineers findings, as soon as we can provide a release date, we will. Thank you for your patience.”
I am confident they will get it in to an update, we just don't have a timeline.
Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks Pulse,

I'm not getting my knickers in a twist like some of the comments about 1.4.

It really would be nice to see some basic editing features for the SP-16 that shouldn't add a lot of CPU overhead.  For example, cut, copy, paste, trim audio files.  Simple file management on the device eg delete a sample, move a sample to another folder.  Etc

Features wise, while it would be amazing to add CPU heavy features like live sampling, extra FX, different track lengths for the sequencer, etc, I'd rather see the basics were covered first.  

That would make the SP-16 a much more mature product.  I love it so much and its a hair away from being perfect.

Stuart Carroll 0 votes
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