Official comment

Select the playlist name, or select some/all of the tracks in a playlist...
right next to the ### tracks, show the total time of all tracks
NYE (54 tracks, 5.2 hours)
Select the playlist name, or select some/all of the tracks in a playlist...
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sweet, thanks!
What'd be even more useful is "Remaining playlist time" - ie, total time not including played tracks. That'd be really handy when you have a client playlist and you need to balance the remainder of the list with the time left in the evening
I'm still using v5.8.6 and this option just disappeared...
select the playlist name, or select some/all of the tracks in a playlist... is not functioning...
please advise
Are you on Mac or PC? Export or Performance mode? I've just checked 5.8.6 on my Mac and it's still there...
Thanks for your reply...
I'm using windows10 and it is in export mode...
Are you sure the bottom of the window isn't just hanging off the screen? Can you see the rest of the status bar / rekordbox logo at the bottom left?
You know what!! I just have to click maximize.
However you mean pioneer Dj logo at the bottom left :)
Thank you very much for your help...
Simple thing recovered my life ❤️
lol - awesome! I was wondering why it was missing! ;)