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DJS 1000 DJ Pro link

The DJS1000 is not able to beatsync between the two CDJ2000NXS and DJM900NXS2.

I use the following switch: Netgear GS108 8-Poorts Gigabit Netwerk Switch

I did test it with also with switches from D-Link, TP link and Zyxel.

The beatsync is working fine when using a DJM2000NX2, tried that option in the shop.

Piet Theijssen

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Yes i’ve the same issue.
I’ve 2 xdj 1000 and a djm 900 nxs2 and while the 2 xdj are perfectly syncronized, the beatcount of the djs fluctuate in a 0.5 range.
Ie if I have the 2 xdj syncronized with a 124 bpm (one of them is always setted ad master) the beatcount of djs fluctuate from 124.0 to 124.5.

This is a very important issue.
Pio have you investigated this issue?

Antonio 0 votes
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I have found the solution. Put recordbox in Expert Modes. All your files needs to be analysed off course. And for live sampling use the FX out of DJM900 and the both inputs on the DJS1000 with jack to jack cables.

Piet Theijssen 0 votes
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DJS and Pro Link problem - BE AWARE

 Be aware:  The Pro Link for all CDJ units only supports a maximum of 4 decks.  i..e if you already own a set up with 4 CDJ decks, you cannot then add the DJS 1000 units as well as they will NOT WORK with the CDJ decks.  No sync!  "MAIMUM LIMIT OF PLAYERS EXCEEDED ERROR" 

It seems very surprising that Pioneer have introduced this new deck DJS1000 units as an add on to the CDJ set up, but don't mention that if you already have a 4 deck CDJ system, you cannot add these new units in as well.  it doesn't work.  I have just purchased two DJS 1000 units, only to find out that they will not work or Sync with my existing set up!  Very expensive mistake!

Please PIONEER, be honest with the customers and make this point clear, OR better still, upgrade Pro Link to work with and sync all six players...  4 CDJ + 2 DJS 1000.   

Paul Crowther 0 votes
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@Paul > There is nothing misleading about that configuration -- we don't advertise or publish the ability for more than 4 units to be connected simultaneously. I'm sorry that wasn't clear.

We have previously passed the feedback to our product planning teams that there are situations where a user may want to receive beat gird data to other units (eg. a DJS-1000) while not necessarily needing / wanting it to be a numbered player (similar to how a DJM receives the signal), so hopefully that's something they can implement in future, however the situation of having more than 4 units in one place is rather unusual, so was not previously considered urgent.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thank you for the reply. The dealers are not all aware of this limit.  The one I used (one of your main UK dealers) wasn't..  Also, if you look at all your own publicity, it promotes the sale of the DJS 1000 to customers with an existing CDJ set up (like me) and explains that it links up seamlessly using Prolink... so I think it is pretty reasonable to assume that if you have a CDJ set up, thats going to work fine.  What it doesnt say anywhere is that if you already have the 4 CDJ set up, it wont work and you cant add a DJS 1000!  What you are saying is you need to read up all the information on the prolink limits before you buy...   a bit like reading the small print on a travel insurance contract, its not really practical and also assumes we are all experts in system set up and configurations as well.


Come on, be fair, you have a customer here with 4 of the latest CDJ NXS2 decks, the latest 900 DJM and has now purchased 2 DJS 1000 units.  Doesnt it make sense to support your own sales pitch and at least give some connectivity between all the decks, even if it is only beat grid data!  Thats a small fortune in equipment purchase (and by the I have had CDJ decks since the very first ones came out - so a loyal customer), so its surely not too much to ask. 

Think of all the customers who own 4CDJ units being the most likely ones to purchase the DJS 1000 - surely they are the best potential future customers, yet they cant link up your latest offering?  Come on...  please see what you can do to get at least some link up and running for us customers?  

Paul Crowther 0 votes
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As previously posted, we don't advertise or publish the ability for more than 4 units to be connected simultaneously. None of our marketing shows more than 4 units connected simultaneously, and none of our current line of mixers features more than 4 channels. (Yes, I understand it could be used in a S/R configuration, but let's be honest - it's more fun when it has its own channel!)

"Doesnt it make sense to support your own sales pitch and at least give some connectivity between all the decks, even if it is only beat grid data!"

Yes, it does - which is why it works ... when there are a maximum of 4 players. The reason for this limitation is largely based on the fact most DJ setups would consist of up to 4 decks, and our file sharing configuration was designed around that limitation.

As I replied in your other post, our teams have received this feedback and I hope they're able to add it in a future update, but I also know they're busy with other update features and this may not be a priority.

In the meantime, I would appreciate if you would refrain from posting your "warning" across the forums, it's unnecessary and doesn't contribute to the support nature of the topics. Thanks.

Pulse 0 votes
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