Swipe from the right to download the song (requires that you are also signed-in to your Dropbox account on the rekordbox app).
FollowRekordbox IOS
Good evening,
I am having a rekordbox professional plan with access to multiple devices. However I am not able to download the actual tracks on my ipad and on my iPhone. Therefore not able to use the other devices.
I have watched the tutorials over and over again but I cannot find the issue. Could you please advise.
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Good morning,
I am logged in on both my ipad and iphone. I swiped to the right, then indeed I get a pull down menu with my options. One of them is download from cloud. But it is shown in light grey and cannot be activated.
Then that song is not available for download from the cloud (the file hasn't been uploaded to the cloud). Have you uploaded it on your computer yet?
Good morning,
One of my problems is solved, on my iPhone I am able to download the files.
But on my iPad not. I am signed in and all have the same settings as my Iphone. What could be the problem here?
@Edwin > Try signing out of the iPad, then back in and see if that forces it to click back on.