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Rekordbox6.6.5 wont detect USB(Fat32) on Mac Ventura

Hi I have problem with detecting USB in "Devices" on rekordbox 6.6.5. Normally I use this USB for a while after I upgrade MAC and Rekordbox I can't see my USB in Devices. Already do removable devices also still can't see it but when  I change format to Mac OS Extended I can see it in devices but can't use it in my CDJ. I have to downgrade everything so it come back. Any suggest for this problem?  

Krit Chaiyosburana Answered

Official comment


Pretty much reason #1 we recommend waiting until rekordbox has been verified after a new OS is released. Sorry, but you'll want to downgrade if this is mission-critical. We'll have the officially supported version out as soon as we can. Thanks.

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