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Troubles finding DDJ-SB2 on MAC


Ich have the problem to that my Mac Book (macOs Catalina 10.15) can not find the DDJ-SB2 controller. 

1. Changed the USB Cable
2. Looked in the hardware > USB  the controller is not showing there
3. Tried to set up in the midi Studio Control Panel
4. Tried with different Players?!
5. Tried to turn on & off the Macbook several times
6. Also allowed the securtity and Privacy on my Laptop

nothing of these things helped. 
I read that this is a common issue. 
The controller is working because it gets energy from the USB cable. 
Maybe you can send the DDJ-SB2.pkg driver file? 
That will be very helpful!

nice greetings,

Maria Zottler Answered

Official comment


Hi Maria,

If the DDJ doesn't show up under the USB devices in the Applications > Utilities > System Information app, then the problem is either with the USB port, the USB cable, or the DDJ itself. If you've swapped the cable, tried another port, or even tried another computer and it still does not appear, then the problem is the DDJ itself. In that case, please contact an authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and/or repaired.

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