What is the audio buffer setting in your Serato preferences?
Just purchased djms5. when using the FX with the paddles, it shifts the current song vs the headphones about 5-10ms making it impossible to mix. Using serato DVS. Also tested it on DJ Pro and same issue
Have to power off mixer to get back to steady state
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What is the audio buffer setting in your Serato preferences?
1ms i tried last.. i think it increases as the buffer increases. Also tried across both Intel macbook and new Apple M1 macbook
is there a preferred buffer setting?
I recall this being an issue with an older firmware, what version is on the mixer? You can check and update here.
Dear, Pioneer! I have the same problem. I've already updated the firmware to ver. 1.03 - it doesn't help. Well, It works normally (without the delay) if NOT to turn ANY options at Serato and for some short time. But if I turn on, for example, master tempo at Serato then two tracks later the delay increases.
Please help me to deside - to return the mixer at all or the company works with this problem.
My topic is here: https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/13508664988057-DJM-S5-audio-delay-b-w-headphones-output-and-master-output-
tengo el mismo problema! fui uno de los primeros que reporto este tipo de error. https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/10540564499225-DJM-S5-CUE-MASTER-
The same issue!! Pioneer can we please get help with this problem?
Still no help from pioneer? this is a real problem pioneer we need help with this like yesterday guys... i don't know about anyone else but i lost nights pay and almost a second night but good thing i brought my trusty Traktor Z2...
Tengo el mismo problema ... pensé que eran mis audífonos luego.. me di cuenta que era el cue tejía un retardo... ya actualice el último software del mezclador mejoro pero todavía lo tiene... al usar los efectos se acentúa y también al aumentar el buffer... creo que pioneer debe actualizar pronto el mixer para corregir esta falla sino va tener que cambiar todos los