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External USB media held by RB on Mac


Not sure why this conversation was closed to respond, but the issue is still a concern


when I plug in any USB drive into my laptop when RB is open, it ads the PIONEER folder and holds on to that drive, not allowing me to Eject from the Finder. When I Eject it from RB, it leaves the PIONEER folder in that drive. This is really annoying if I have to use mine or other peoples drives to copy media which not being used for RB purpose. Here is the video link to show the folder created and left abandoned on the drive. 



djSameer Answered

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The conversation was closed because an answer was given:

If you have rekordbox open, it will allow you to access the drive because it's showing in the EXPLORE section. If you want to eject the drive, either close rekordbox or eject it from within rekordbox.

If you don't want the Pioneer folder added to a drive, either close rekordbox beforehand or delete the folder after.

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