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Help upgrading from version 4.5 on Mac

Hi guys

I have an old iMac that has Rekordbox 4.5 installed which holds one of my master libraries of music. 

All the music for this library is on an external hard drive.

With the server update due this month this version will no longer be supported, can someone please point me in the right direction to:

1. Move and transfer my current library in 4.5 to a new Mac computer

2. How to add and install Rekordbox on my new Mac computer

3. How to re-locate the songs I had sync’d from my iTunes library (new Mac does not have iTunes)

Thanks in advance 🙂

cheekyage Answered

Official comment


Best course of action...

1. Install rekordbox 6 on that old computer.

2. Upgrade the database from 4.5 to 6.

3. Backup the library (File > Library > Backup Library), include the music.

4. On the new computer, install rekordbox 6.

5. Restore the library (File > Library > Restore Library).

No need to worry about relocation or iTunes; it will do it all when you include the music as part of the backup / restore process.

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Thanks for the reply guys!

i don’t think I can install version 6 on the old computer because it is running an old OS - El Capitan 10.11.6.

Thats the highest OS I can go to for this iMac. 


cheekyage 0 votes
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<trying to recall if 4.5 has a backup feature> If it doesn't, let me know - I'm racking my brain about that, but I can give you directions on getting the actual database file.

Pulse 0 votes
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Yes, v4.5.0 has the backup feature.

I can go into File > Library > Backup Library


cheekyage 0 votes
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