So if you use the same track on both decks, both with tempo reset / 0% pitch, start playing and doing instant double on the slave, and then put the slave deck into 1 beat loop, will it start to become out of sync on the loop side?
Hi Everyone,
When I use loop stored in memory or an Active Loop the player which is playing loop dos not keep the tempo. Each loop it makes causes millisecond loss so after a while I have to make correction with the jog . I'm using loops very often so in is big problem for me . After last update it is even worse .
How to solve it ?
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So if you use the same track on both decks, both with tempo reset / 0% pitch, start playing and doing instant double on the slave, and then put the slave deck into 1 beat loop, will it start to become out of sync on the loop side?
Hi Markus , Thank You for taking up the topic so quickly. Yes , I made the test as You wrote - the same track , tempo reset both players and I ran the loop on one player. Looping side makes lag by each loop . When I shorten the loop to one beat the lag is growing faster. Using instant double doesn't help . The looping side gets out of the sync. I can make video if needed.
Do you have SYNC enabled?
Quantize and SYNC on or off - I tried every combination.
Does this happen with all your tracks or only with specific ones? What file format are you using?
I Use mosty WAV but I tried with mp3 to check it . It always the same problem.
One more thing is strange for me . The waveform on the loop side is disturbed, its shakes ..
I would say it's now time to make a video... when you have the stacked waveforms on your slave player, do can even see the grid of both players becoming out of sync after some time?
I can hear it and see it. Can I attached video here ?
I believe you cannot attach files here directly. Upload it to any video platform of your choice and post the link here.
You don't have sync enabled; please try again with sync on.
I tried. Sync on or off always the same problem.