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USB Audio routing

Looking to find out what the routing options are for the S11 and S7 into a DAW. 

Can I capture each deck on a separate track using Rekorbox/serato and capture the complete post fader output including the efx? 


Malik Noner Answered

Official comment


All of the S-series mixers can do this; just open the setting utility and configure the outputs for "POST FADER":

If you also have the MIX going to the DAW you can capture the master so you have an essence of what you were mixing at the time.

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With the S9 its possible to record both channels seperately, the master out and the effetcs. So I guess it should be also possible with the S11 and S7. I had the same issue theese days and first I was struggling with recordings into logic pro but in the end it worked all fine. Now I can easily record directly into logic my mixes from serato with no need of other sound devices. Really cool!

Tom Holte 0 votes
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Thanks for commenting. I maybe should have been more detailed in my original post. 

What I want to know for sure is if recording into a DAW do the separate decks capture efx and all or is it just the main that will capture the efx?

I have used both the Reloop Elite and the Rane 70 and both will capture decks 1 and 2 in separate tracks post fader BUT cannot capture the efx that have been applied during the mix. Only the Main output recording will include any efx that have been applied to the mix. 


Thanks again

Malik Noner 0 votes
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Malik > Yes, as most of the effects are applied post-fader, which is where the audio is captured.

Pulse 0 votes
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