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When I backup my rekordbox library, are the Beatport/SoundCloud streaming tracks backed up as well?

I like to test tracks out before I purchase them by streaming them in rekordbox via Beatport and SoundCloud.

These are then added to my track collection, and to any of my related smart playlists.

I have ended up with more Beatport/SoundCloud tracks in my library than locally saved tracks on my laptop. 

I recently did a backup of my library and was wondering if those streamed tracks will be backed up as well?

The reason I ask is that I wish to transfer my entire local/Beatport/SoundCloud library to my desktop using the backup, rather than having to individually at them to my collection.

Or, are streamed tracks saved to my Beatport/SoundCloud rekordbox library? That is, when I log in to either platform on my desktop, are all my Beatport/Soundcloud streamed tracks there?

Or, is there a local file/folder on my laptop, containing the metadata for these streamed files? e.g. waveforms, track title, artist, genre, bpm etc.

Thanks for any help in advance :)

Hayden Jefferies

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1 comment


Yes and No. 

All of your settings will be copied, but not the music file itself, only the info.

AndréMorroDJ 0 votes
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