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Rekordbox Library Consolidation

Hi there,

I have recently updated and imported all of my music into my collection in rekordbox. I have spent a lot of time organising my library, but it turns out the tracks are stored across a few different locations on my hard drive, some in the itunes directory, some elsewhere.

I would like to consolidate all of my rekordbox collection tracks so the actual files are organised in one place as this will make it all much easier to backup - what's the best way of doing this?



Hugo Robson Answered

Official comment


The BEST way to do it is create a backup (File > Library > Backup Library), and during the process you're asked if you want to include the music - select YES.

Then just go and restore that backup (File > Library > Restore Library), it will restore the library and the music will be consolidated into one folder. You'll probably have to delete the files from where they were originally, but everything will be in a new folder location of your selection.

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This is awesome, thanks so much! So then with any new music I just add it manually to that folder and organise it accordingly?


With backing up - if I have that directory syncing to icloud or something similar, then that, coupled with the manual library backup (without the music) for hot cues etc. will cover everything?

Hugo Robson 0 votes
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Yes, add the music to that folder, then just import that folder again - all existing content is ignored, new content is added to the collection.

The backup will gather all music regardless of the location.

Pulse 0 votes
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