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Rotary Selector not working & Load 1&2 buttons are jammed

Somehow on my XDJ RX2, the Rotary Selector button is not loading the folder (It's moving between folders when I turn,  but not loading the folder when I push/click.)
And also, the load 1 and 2 buttons are stuck/jammed. (The load 2 button was not been working since the week I bought the device, but I was using the rotary selector to load songs but now all buttons are gone(Rotary Selector / Load 1 & 2), and I cannot use the device in any way. Basically, it's rubbish now.
I used the device mostly at home, and this problem occurred suddenly. Thinking it would be a system problem, I updated the firmware, but the result did not change.
Help pls.
alper kaya Answered

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