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Question about how to save a Hot Cue and new RekordBox library of the new OPUS-QUAD

Hi, I wanted to inquire about Hot Cues and the new rekordbox library of the new OPUS-QUAD.
1) When you insert a Hot Cue, how is it saved since the physical Memory button no longer exists? Does it save automatically or do you have to press something?
2) When I export directly to my USB, it goes to the normal device library, is it normal that I don't also export to the new OPUS-QUAD library? (I activated it from the rekordbox settings on the DJ system) or that I create a playlist directly on the USB and put the songs on it, is there a way to not import the playlists into the PC every time, then export them every time? basically I should do the job twice, I read on the RekordBox FAQ that the two libraries are independent from each other, isn't there a way to synchronize them? if you edit a playlist or create a new one, maybe with a future update? it also deleted many songs in the main library (CDJ) and I don't understand why, but I solved it by making two different USBs (one for OPUS-QUAD and one for CDJ)
3) It didn't convert the normal device library to the OPUS-QUAD one, it gave an error message that the conversion couldn't be done, and I had to import them into the pc and export them into the USB all by hand
Thanks for the support!
Gabriele Palermo Answered

Official comment


1) The Opus Quad does not have the ability to store memory cue points, but you can call them using SHIFT + TRACK SEARCH buttons.

2) If you have both options checked the in the preferences, it will export to both -- unless you use the sync manager, in which case you need to select which library type you're exporting in the drop-down at the top right. This will be addressed in the next update so you don't need to select it, they just couldn't fix that in time for release.

The data will sync back to the rekordbox library so then if you had another drive that was only the non-plus library, you can export changes to that device as well.

3) If the songs weren't already in the library, then I could see why a conversion error would have required import, then export.

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You can save/delete memory cues on the Opus Quad!!  it just no longer has dedicated buttons for it!

1. pause track, press cue

2. hold shift, press cue again to save memory cue

3. to delete, skip to memory cue, hold shift, press cue!

I wish the manual had referred to them as memory cues instead of saved cues, might have made it more clear

andrew trabert 1 vote
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Hot cues and memory cues (saved cues) are different. I'm referring to memory cues.

Memory cues have been historically assigned with the dedicated cue call buttons above the right of jog wheel.  These are gated meaning you have to press and hold the cue button to play the track and it stops playing when you let go. You can use the cue call buttons to search between them, which is now shift+track search on the OQ.  Memory cues also countdown to next memory cue (a huge part of my workflow and main reason why I use them).  This makes it very easy to phrase match and determine mix in/out points

Hot cues are non-gated, meaning they play instantly and keep playing when you press the button.  The hot cue buttons are above the jog wheel and you only have to press any one of the 8 buttons to assign a hot cue.  This is similar to the hot cue bank on the left of CDJ 2Ks

The new smart cue function now makes the hot cues gated and work similar to memory cues and how hot cues work in other DJ software like Traktor/Engine/and probably Serato.  However, I still haven't seen a way to enable bar countdown to next hot cue like you have with memory cues.

andrew trabert 1 vote
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Ah ok understood, thank you for the explanation, but I didn't understand, the Hot Cues, like in the CDJ-3000, I press one while I'm playing the track, and add it to the track directly from the player, but how do you save the Hot Cue I just pressed in the OPUS-QUAD? in the CDJ-3000 there is the memory key, but on the OPUS-QUAD it is not, so how is it saved?

Gabriele Palermo 1 vote
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Hot cues auto save, you do not need to do anything else, as soon as you press it the hot cue button it's saved. I just tested this on my Opus Quad, even rebooted it and the Hot Cue was still there

The memory/cue call buttons on every other CDJ is for memory cues.  On the Opus quad, you have to pause the track, press cue, then shift+cue to save memory cues, same is if you delete them.  This is what the dedicated cue/call/memory/delete cue buttons were used for on CDJs like the 3K, 2Ks, etc.

andrew trabert 1 vote
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Ah ok understood, very kind Thank you so much for the support!

Gabriele Palermo 1 vote
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