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migration vers OS ventura

bonjour à tous,

je suis donc passé de mac os catalina sur lequel j'utilisais la version 5, vers un macbookpro de 2023 OS VENTURA. l'application s'ouvre sans problème mais la version 5 impossible ? ( endommagé ) avez vous la solution ? c'est super urgent. puis je aussi basculer toute ma playlist version 5 vers version 6 ??

merci pour votre retour


Najibinho Answered

Official comment


Version 5 is not supported on Ventura, so if it runs, we cannot guarantee reliability or performance. You can switch to version 6 by installing it - the first run will recognize your v5 library and offer to convert it. If you have any issues with the process, please file an inquiry ticket here and our support team will gather some additional information to assist you in resolving this issue.

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