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DJM 750MKII MacOS Issues

Pioneer, you definitely have issues with your DJM-750MKII drivers. I've got a 2015 13" Intel MacBook Pro Retina and a 2021 14" MacBook Pro with M1 Pro. I have Rekordbox installed on both machines but my 2015 is my main laptop for music. Both machines were running Monterey and then I later upgraded the 14" to Ventura. Audio issues included latency problems, crackling, Rekordbox freezing midway, audio dropouts etc.  while the mixer is being used as a soundcard.


My setup is as follows :

2x XDJ 1000 MK2 (updated firmware used in HID Mode for radio shows)

1x DJM 750 MKII (updated firmware)

2x Technics SL1210 MK2 (used with DVS)

Driver update 4.01 mid last year was a better update which i thought remedied all the problems but they persisted, albeit not as blatantly evident as they used to be i.e. they just took slightly longer to manifest.


I then decided to embark on the arduos journey to go back to version 2.1.0 of the driver because I recalled that this was stable AF when I was running Catalina. Of course, this now meant I had to downgrade my OS and so I bit the bullet, backed up my Rekordbox library and formatted my 13" MBP and I'm now running Catalina (again) for the past month. Happily, there are zero issues running the latest version of Rekordbox and version 2.1.0 of the DJM 750 MKII driver. I was able to record my entire 2 hour radio show for the first time in a year without a single hiccup. Prior to this I was using the DJM-Rec app on my iPhone to record. I should add that I also run Windows 10 in Bootcamp and there are absolutely no audio issues on the same machine running Windows, even when I was running Monterey. This problem is 100% related to version 4.1.0 (and earlier apart from 2.1.0) of the DJM 750 MKII driver and since version 2.1.0 can't be used with any other version of macOS higher than Catalina, I'm just sticking with it and ignoring the irritating prompt asking me to update the driver everytime I launch Rekordbox.

My 14" MBP is still plagued by this issue. I will use that machine as a test bench if Pioneer ever decide to sort this problem out but until then, it's really bad form on Pioneer DJ's part. I've seen a few posts about this problem on here but no definitive resolution to a problem obviously stemming from a bad driver. This problem is present on Traktor as well, so not isolated to just Rekordbox further reinforcing the fact that it's driver related.

Hopefully you guys have this on a "to do" list but until then, I'll stick with stability instead of features.


For anyone else suffering with this problem on macOS, if you can revert to Catalina and driver version 2.1.0, that's the most stable setup I've found so far. It's a ball ache to go back but if you've been scratching your head as to why this is happening, I hope all of the above shines a bit of light for you.



Shane D

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