We heard similar issue volume of m4a tracks varies from other several customers.
It seems that the issue occurs after recent Window 11 update.
According to the other customer, the issue also happens with Windows Media Player.
So we suppose the m4a decode library contained in the recent Windows 11 update has some problem.
We expect the issue will be fixed in subsequent Windows update.
But if the issue only occurs with certain m4a tracks, the issue may be improved by re-encoding m4a (make m4a file again) with iTunes or some other tools.
FollowAudio consistency issue with M4a tracks imported into rekordbox
For a few months now, I've been experiencing an issue that appears to be recurring for other users, where my imported M4A purchases from iTunes have extremely inconsistent waveforms with a large chunk of the song having super low gain and random parts jumping back up to normal levels; this affects both Export and Performance modes. A quick video recording of this happening can be seen here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xew5ps9ylbpbcsa/rekordbox.mp4?dl=0
Is there a way to fix this? For a moment it seemed like it started working again when I had to completely reinstall rekordbox at some point a couple weeks ago, but just yesterday I imported new M4A tracks and got the issue again. So as such, I am indeed currently running on rekordbox 6.7.1, and if it helps I am also on Windows 11.
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