This information is not enough and we cannot locate a fixture to suggest. We need a fully detailed manual please.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Manufacter: Generic
Model:10R 280W
Fixture type: Moving Head
Product manual: https://lamposhop.com/shop/luci-professionali-da-spettacolo/teste-mobili-beam/coppia-beam-280w-10r-con-flight-cases/
Link Wetrasfer: https://we.tl/t-mo908ANMs5
Post is closed for comments.
This information is not enough and we cannot locate a fixture to suggest. We need a fully detailed manual please.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Hello, can we do it with this information?
Value locate
1 pan 125
2 titl 125
3 panf 0
4 tilt 0
5 dimmer 255
6 strobo 255
7 color 0
8 gobo 0
9 focus 0
10 prisma 0
11 prisma rotation 0
12 frost 0
12 pt speed 0
15 reset 0
16 lamp power 0
We need a full user manual please. This is just a channel list.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
I only have the paper format, sorry, I hope to solve.
We need the complete manual from cover page to end please.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
I don't know what to do anymore, the instruction manual is complete... Tell me what kind of information you need, thanks
It is not complete, you have scanned from page 1-8. There are more because it stops at channel 8. We need it complete, from page cover, in roder to see the exact name till the end.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Hello I send the complete channel list, sorry for the delay, thanks
Please try the following fixture which already exists in the rekordbox fixture library as it seems identical to the one requested.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Fixture: 230W 7R Moving Head Beam
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
It happens to me like the other similar configurations I had tried, the head moves without making any light I don't know why, can you help me, I am attaching a video to understand the problem thanks.
LINK MOVIE: https://we.tl/t-SzoKDErJ0s
Hi I'm still waiting for the answer I don't understand why the lights move in time but no light beam comes out, help me please I have to work on it, thanks
We will need some more time in order to investigate this issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Help me, has this ever happened to anyone else? Because I can't work this way..
I need help my lights are not working so I can't work with your light stand
Hello Leonardo,
rekordbox lighting engineers saw the video and answered below.
In the video, it seems the fixture did not work in Performance mode.
If you want to light the fixture, you will be able to send the values as shown below in DMX Direct Control.
ch2: 107
ch3: 255
HI, I tried to insert your commands in direct mode but only the movement changes and it always remains the same, I made a video that with channel 5 and 6 at most I manage to turn on the lights by removing the shutter, I'm not very expert in the field but it would be enough that you insert my channel list inside the package because this way it doesn't work well it always has the same color and the same movement, now I'm making them work automatically without your control unit but this bothers me since I paid €500 , I attach a video of the problem I hope to solve it as soon as possible, thanks
Link Movie: https://we.tl/t-G9ysedn0ME
Hi Leonardo,
Sorry, while we had summer break, the video link you kindly attached expired. Will it possible to attach the link again?
rekordbox lighting engineers would like to further investigate your issues.