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[CLOSED] Can you hook up a pioneer mixer to Traktor?

I'm planning on buying the Cdj 1000's and was wondering what mixer from pioneer can i hook up to traktor to use the effects and crossfades while also** using the 1000's**. please help much thanks

, Dylan


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@Dylan > Any of them, depending on what you already have in terms of interface.  Do you currently own Traktor and/or an audio interface?

Pulse 0 votes
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i own traktor and only traktor. Its just when i get the djm 350 and cdj 1000's i still want to be able to use traktor. So are you saying it still will work?

Dylan 0 votes
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Yes, but you'll need an audio interface to get timecode control from the 1000's into the software, and audio back from the software to the mixer.

Pulse 0 votes
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You need Traktor Scratch Duo 2 or Traktor Scratch Pro 2, check NI's website for upgrade options etc.

oakstream 0 votes
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Hi there,

new to this forum.

I have a DJM 2000 , 2 x CDJ 2000s and a macbook pro. So far I have been using it all with Rekord box without any problems. To be able to play lots of samples and loops I bought me a Traktor Pro 2 software.

How can I set it up so that my CDJs control Traktor decks A and B and my DJM Midi touchpad control Traktor sample decks C and D?

I have tried a lot and watched and read a lot of stuff, but going crazy as I am not able to make it all work together like it should.

HELP please!

Thank you all in advance!

Hoomzy 0 votes
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It's a shame, but traktor still does not support advanced HID mode.

So basically you could use your CDJ-2000 as very expensive midi controllers for traktor.

for the sample decks you will have to connect your DJM-2000 with USB and assign it as

a midi controller in traktor, then you can start to map sample deck functions.

I'm not sure, butif the DJM-2000 can be used as an USB sound card like the DJM-900,

you could use timecode and connect the CDJ's normally to the DJM and use the DJM's

on board soundcard to play timecode. (but I'm not sure if this works on the 2000 as well) 

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Thanks for the advice Gery, That is how I have it wiredup at the moment. the problem is Traktor only sees 1 sound card. I can make an aggregate device with CDJs,  but do I need to add the DJM to this aggregate device as well, so that Traktoe sees it all as 1 sound card?


Also what is Advanced HID mode and when and what application would you use it for?



Hoomzy 0 votes
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HID stands for 'Human Interface Device', a protocol in which devices communicate.

In standard mode, the connection is like a better form of midi controller.

When connecting a CDJ-2000 to  Traktor, you will be able to use the standard CDJ-2000

midi map.  But you will soon realize essential functions like cue'ing, pitch bending with the jog

and scratching are NOT working like they should. in fact I find them complete worthless!

Not ready for live use at all!

In advanced HID mode a different protocol is used to control the software.

Advanced HID is supported for example by Serato Scratch Live.

With advanced HID all controls can be taken over perfectly from the CDJ.

Advanced HID is up till nog not supported by Traktor, but in the NI forums

a big requested feature! (in fact many people are mad that serato can and

traktor can not do advanced HID)


I did not test this on a DJM-2000, so if somebody did please correct me. 

On a DJM-900 you can assign (after installing the drivers and config utility)

the incoming channels on your djm to be outputted via the build in USB

soundcard.  This signal can be used in traktor as inputs for scratch control.

The outputs are set in an analog way, and you select the USB mode on each

channel you wish to enable scratch control.

It is not a complete controller based setup, but for me this works better than using

the CDJ's as midi controller. 

Basically you need only one soundcard, so no aggregate device.

Use the DJM-2000 as soundcard.

The DJM is the only one you need to connect with USB to your computer as well,

as you will be using timecode through the normal CDJ connections to the mixer.

A bit like this video, but then for the DJM-2000


Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Great Advice and tutorial Gery. Thank you.

Got it all working last night finally and I see what you mean by CDJ not ready for live use when in midi setup.

But the fact is Everything is working. I have now started mapping my DJM to my liking and it is great to be able to play and control all 4 channels.

Thanks again.

I will hassel you if I had any more problems!!? haha


Hoomzy 0 votes
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haha! glad I could help :)

I know, 4 deck control is a great surplus, I use a custom made layout with TouchOSC on my iPad

to control traktor's sampling decks.  In belgium you do not find next generation mixers as often

as you would like. many rental companies keep using their 800's unless you specific ask for a 900/2000..

btw, the midi problem is not Pioneers fault. Advanced HID works seamlessly with software like Virtual DJ

and Serato Scratch Live.  Too bad Native Instruments did not add the feature in the new Traktor Pro 2.. 

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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I'd like to know what settings to adjust to TRAKTOR PRO to make my DJM-350 work.I already have a Traktor Audio & it is already connected too.I only can't get the sound out of my speakers.Please help

Stathis Proutzos 0 votes
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