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Djm nexus 900 Recording

hey guys


i have the cdj 2000s and also the djm nexus 900 with onboard souncard and trcktor scratch pro 2


i would like to no if its possible to record thru the mixer diretly to the computer via the onboard soundcard?

Mark corbett

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As far as I know this is possible.

You will need to connect your mixer trough a USB cable with your PC

This way you can record digitally and have the best quality possible.

Just install the Nexus drivers, open a record program like Audacity and select the nexus as recording source.

Benno Revelli 0 votes
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i have traktor 2 as well there is a record fuctuion built into traktor already you shouldnt need to download any other software as for controling the record through the mixer i have no idea tho

Richard Flowers 0 votes
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i attempted recording through an input on the djm900 built in mixer. im not using any timecode so all 8 of the inputs are open. I went into the djm 900 nexus utility set channel 1 to REC OUT. then went into traktor 2 and set deck a input to djm 900 nexus 0 and 1 on input for channel A and then went into the mix recorder and set that to channel A input and source to external. Im certain that is the correct setup as that is what i used to do with my Traktor Audio 10 before i got my djm 900. But When i record my mixes before i even play a song the mix recorder shows sounds coming through. So i tryed playing a song and recording it and then i listened to it only to hear the song i played faintly in the background and a whole ton of fuzz noises. I tried messing with my latency and tried the inputs on each of the other channels. Is there anyone that can help me or is experiencing these same problems?

joshomatic 0 votes
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thanks for posting that mp3 to give an example. My recordings sound exactly the same as yours. sounds like a really bad radio station haha. Can anyone from pioneer give their thoughts or advice on how to fix the problem.

joshomatic 0 votes
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Chances are you're hearing nothing but fuzz because of a mismatch in sample rate / bit rate settings.  Be sure you match the software to the driver settings.

Pulse 0 votes
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i have my sample rate in traktor set to 96 khz shouldnt it be fine since the djm 900 soundcard is a 96khz 24 bit soundcard? idk what driver settings your referring to.

joshomatic 0 votes
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Yep, but if you don't have the configuration set to 96k, you won't get a 96k digital signal input.


Pulse 0 votes
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wow strangest thing happened to me i had all the setting correct and it was still sending fuzzz through the record the i decide to restart which ive never done when messing with the recording settings and boom it just works. the screenshot below it shows all the setting correct but there is fuzz going through even when the track wasnt loaded. really strange i gotta go to work now but when i get off im gonna see if the problem occurs again or it magically got solved.


joshomatic 0 votes
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in Output format i have 44.100, in traktor 44.100 but the fuzz continue. I think this is a OSX driver problem.

Mattia 0 votes
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Have you guys updated to the newest DJM-900 driver that was released just the other day?  It addresses this issue.

Pulse 0 votes
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ok the problem remains when i restart my mac it works for a short amount of time with out any fuzz then it comes back about a minute of have my mac on. I have updated both the driver and my firmware. could it be a problem with traktor? pulse would u mind posting a recording through traktor using an input of the djm 900?

joshomatic 0 votes
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Tested recording to both Traktor and Audacity on a MBP i7 running OS X 10.6.8 in 64bit kernel mode using the newest DJM-900 drivers, at 44.1, 48 and 96kHz and had no problems.

I did a 30 minute recording and the only fuzziness I heard was digital clipping when I cranked the levels up.

I have my USB input set to -10dB, but it doesn't clip and certainly doesn't sound like the samples Mattia linked.

Pulse 0 votes
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it occurs on both im gonna keep messing around with it. I also wanna test if it is just the record settings that this occurs on or if it will happen when i input timecode signal too. but, ill have to wait until i can borrow my friends cdjs because i run a controller setup.  the picture attached shows the fuzz noises being input even when a song isnt loaded and all mixer effects off

joshomatic 0 votes
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pulse, could it be that im have settings wrong in traktor? in the djm900 settings utility i have usb1/2 set to REC OUT and then in traktor i set pioneer djm900 nexus in 0 and in 1 to input deck a and then i have the mix recorder set to external mode and selected input deck a. is that how it should be set up. also i dont think this really is related but when i look at the timecode setup in traktor it shows signal for input deck a. and my last idea is could it be something to do with bad power to my mixer, maybe i should buy a better power strip? thanks for all your help with this issue

joshomatic 0 votes
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I have a similar Josh setup but 44.100, see screenshot: http://imageshack.us/f/823/schermata20110701a07212.png/

I have just tried with battery and wall power but there are no differences.

I have tried to disconnect USB ports (2xCDJ HID mode) and connect only DJM900 but i ear again noises.

I have tried to close traktor and record a normal cd-audio (cdj400) using Sound Studio - http://felttip.com/ss/

The only differences can be OSX 64bit Kernel Mode. How can I set 64bit kernel mode?


Mattia 0 votes
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i have found how to set 64bit kernel. I have done another test (with 64bit kernel) but i ear again noise. I have also connected DJM900 to iMac 27" quad-core i5 + 8gb ram but i ear fuzzes again.

I really think that problem isn't Traktor but DJM900 / DJM900 Driver......

Mattia 0 votes
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yeah its either the drivers are bad or we ended up with djm 900's that had faulty soundcards. should we send it back for a repair/ replacement mixer?

joshomatic 0 votes
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Looks like everyone is having the problem....I guess I will just have to record my sets using my rane for now.

Painless Wolf 0 votes
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If every Apple + DJM900 users have problem, I think Pioneer need to find a solution very fast....


Pulse, can you try your DJM 900 on other computer to replicate our problem?

Mattia 0 votes
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Pulse any chance that this whole time we were having problems you had already updated to Traktor 2.0.3?? Cuz i think it just solved my problem. All of a sudden im record perfectly now that i updated to 2.0.3. But i still need to try audacity. Mattia try update traktor in the service center.

joshomatic 0 votes
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i happy to say that i have a perfect DJM900nexus. Audacity recording was fuzz free too.

joshomatic 0 votes
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I have just tested Traktor 2.0.3 but i haven't solved my problem. Josh, can you tell me your exact configuration? 

(traktor + audio midi configuration + djm 900 utility?)


I have this settings:

TRAKTOR: Sample Rate: 44 100 Hz / Latency 11.6ms / OUT: Deck A: Out 0 / Out 1 - Deck B: Out 2 / Out 3 -  ---- INPUT: Deck A: In 0 / In 1 - Deck B: In 2 / In 3 - 


MIDI AUDIO CONFIGURATION: Djm-900 Nexus Input 44100,0 Hz / Output 44100,0 Hz (8 chan-24bit)

DJM 900 UTILITY: Mixer Output USB 1/2: REC OUT --- USB 3/4: Post CH2 Fader --- USB5/6: Post CH3 Fader --- USB7/8: Post CH4 Fader --- Usb Output Level -19db


I have macbook air 4gb ram (or iMac 27" i5 quadcore 8gb ram) --- OSX Driver 1.10 --- Mac OSX version: 10.6.8


Mattia 0 votes
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ok it came back again but i think it happens when i have the Pioneer DJM 900 Setting Utility closed. Is it supposed stay open when using the mixer?

joshomatic 0 votes
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mattia try keep the mixers setting utility open while recording. its working for me fine as i type this out.

joshomatic 0 votes
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Just tried. No changes... I have:

1) startup my macbook

2) connect djm900 usb

3) open traktor

4) press record button

5) played audio cd

fuzzes....as usual..... 

Mattia 0 votes
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