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DJM 900 Nexus with Serato

Does Pioneer have any plans to release a firmware update to allow the mixer to work with Serato Scratch?

Chris Young

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Sorry, let me clarify. I am wondering if The 900 will function with serrate with out having to use the SL box. I guess I mean like a plug and play connectivity like it works with TSP2. I use Rekordbox for all of my mobile gigs, but many of the clubs I play at use Serato, so I have my library set up in Serato too, so I can plug right into their systems. I don't own Serato but I would like to try and consolidate to one system if possible.

Chris Young 0 votes
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@Chris > No - the SL box is the "dongle" that unlocks the software and there are no options within the software to be able to route the audio through any other sound card.

You could use the mixer for MIDI control only.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thats a bit disappointing but I do understand. I know Serato has a deal with Rane and they do make good mixers, but I will always stick with Pioneer.  Thanks for the info. My 900 arrives tomorrow and it will be in the club with me tomorrow night...I can't wait!

Chris Young 0 votes
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Yeah, there's tons of DJs out there who feel the same way, myself included, but unfortunately it's a partnership between Serato (software) and Rane (hardware) that we can't just jump into.  I guess the soft-side of it is that Itch does not have a specific hardware contract and Pioneer was able to make a controller for it!

Pulse 0 votes
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From what I understand is that Serato's contract runs out at the end of 2011, which is probably why we've seen so much flexibility in the new Rane hardware (SL2, 3, 4) ISIO drivers. It's only a matter of time when Serato will be able to have their flagship "Scratch Live" compatible with other hardware outside of Rane.


Trent von 0 votes
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Can you set up the 900 Nexus and CDJ 2000s to function with Itch?

Chris Young 0 votes
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No to itch (not without a crappy workaround anyways)..

Kevin Savage 0 votes
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