@Ivo Farkas > The reason for this is certain effects don't "sample" the audio until it is engaged, as such, it's unable to cue the effect.
Why can some effects be prelistened and others not?
For example I can not prelisten the Space and Dub/Echo Soundcolor effects, all others can be checked.
Some other effects such as the Reverb or Delay can not be prelistened. Is this supposed to be like this?
For better explanation: If channel 4 is playing and i am about to listen the next track on channel 1 I hit Cue
here. If I want to check for the effect on channel 1 I experience that some can be prelistened and others not.
I find this kind of strange...
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@Ivo Farkas > The reason for this is certain effects don't "sample" the audio until it is engaged, as such, it's unable to cue the effect.
Sorry to dig up an old issue but are we sure there's not something wrong here?
When I push the CUE button for the BEAT EFFECTS, I can cue all effects except for REVERB, SPIRAL, and ECHO. Bubla states that he cannot cue DELAY, but I have no problem cueing that one.
When I push the CUE button above channel 1, 2, 3, or 4 to prelisten to a Sound Color FX, all cue but SPACE and DUB ECHO.
The Sound Color FX issue might make sense because we both can't cue the same 2 (SPACE and DUB ECHO), but why is he unable to cue the DELAY Beat Effect but I can without a problem?
As far as Sound Color FX,
I bought this DJM-900 one week ago and upgraded from firmware 1.20 to 1.21 the same day.
Page 24 of the manual says:
"The circuit that generates the echo for the [ECHO], [REVERB], [ROLL], [SLIP ROLL] and [REV ROLL] effect sounds is positioned after the effect circuit, so the effect sound cannot be monitored. This is not a malfunction. "
The weird thing is, I'm having trouble with REVERB, SPIRAL, AND ECHO. Not ROLL SLIP ROLL or REV ROLL.