You won't need to buy a new traktor version. Djm works with traktor 2 - 2.1. Just make sure u download the pioneer setup utility and your good to go.
I recently purchased the DJM 900, and I want to know what version of Traktor I need to use to run with this mixer? I also purchased a Traktor Kontrol S4 a few months ago and have version Traktor Pro 2.0.3. I have been researching this on the forum and I find that I may need to get the upgrade kit for Traktor to to Traktor Scratch PRO 2. Is this correct? I know Traktor came out with the upgrade kit to connect 2 cdjs/turntables to the S4 so the extra decks can control 2 decks in Traktor Pro 2. I have also read that Traktor pro 2 has been used with the DJM 900. Please help me with this problem anybody.
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You won't need to buy a new traktor version. Djm works with traktor 2 - 2.1. Just make sure u download the pioneer setup utility and your good to go.
Ok, so will I be able to control the virtual decks if I just by the time-coded traktor vinyl? Or since I do own CDJ-2000's will I be able to link the CDJs via usb to control the Traktor Virtual decks like I can with Serato?
Does it have to be TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2 or can I just use Traktor Pro 2 that I use for my S4?
Traktor makes different versions of Traktor Pro 2,
Traktor Pro 2 will allow you to use your S4 basicly almost any controller that can be midi mapped.
Traktor Scratch Pro 2 is the DVS option that will allow you to use CD or Vinyl timecode.
Traktor Pro 2 can be upgraded to Traktor Scratch Pro 2.
Just to be clear. Traktor Scratch Pro 2 lets you use CD/Vinyl time code and also let's you use controllers like the S4. Some controllers even come natively mapped out. Some don't and you will have to use the controller option to map and tailor it for your liking.
Check out djtechtools.com people buy and sell registration keys pretty cheap there. You can also go to native instruments and download the DEMO which is a unregistered version of the full version. If you buy a registration key you will can just input your key into it and it unlocks it. This will allow you to test out the DJM900 with Traktor and see if it's something that you like. I was a Serato SSL 1 user till I got my DJM900 and used the more power tools of Traktor.
Ok I got it. I need to get the upgrade to Traktor Scratch Pro 2 to be able to use time code on turntables and/or Cdjs. Thanks for the info
Mario, the other cool thing about using cdjs is that u can just throw the timecode.wav from native instruments website onto a usb key and play it that way (no cd required). This still requires u own traktor SCRATCh pro but like robert said, u can find a registration code on the cheap. So if u ever get the opportunity to buy JUST the reg code for tsp2 without any control cds, do it cuz u can just download the timecode.wav to a usb key and stick it into one of ur cdjs.
Of course, with a turntable, ull need to get a physical timecode record.
I think in the month of aug, NI had a special deal where if u buy the s4, u get a free scratch upgrade kit. I think alot of peeps are selling these now cuz they dont use timecode so ill bet u can get one for pretty cheap on the buynsell forums of djtt or ebay. And those upgrade kits come with the records, cds and the software upgrade. I actually got mine that way.. I bought the s4 in aug, played with it for 2 months and sold it but kept the software and scratch upgrade kit. I believe i sold the s4 for 50 bucks less than i initially paid.
Ill let u know if i see anything on the forums for sale. But id suggest u start a thread in buysell forum of djtt saying 'want to buy: scratch upgrade kit for x dollars'. If x is a decent number, ill bet u find something quick.
As long as you are using Traktor 2, you're good ... but if you want to use CD or vinyl timecode, you need Scratch. Pro will allow you to have extra functions and features within the software.
i have the original traktor pro that came with the traktor kontrol s4, would i need to upgrade to traktor pro 2 and on top of that get the traktor pro 2 scratch software as well in order to get a 900cdj properly working?
Yes. You will need to upgrade. You will need the mixer upgrade package that comes with scratch.
@adrian ortiz > You're talking about the CDJ-900 and not the DJM-900 as in this thread correct?
If you want to use the CDJ-900 via HID mode, you can currently use it with any of the latest updated versions of Traktor I believe. This includes Traktor version 1 and Traktor 2. But if you want to use the CDJ-900 with the timecode CD's, you will need to use a version of Traktor Scratch. Traktor Scratch version 1 or Traktor Scratch 2 will both work with the CDJ-900 using timecode. And the Pro or Duo versions will both work, but give you either 4 or 2 decks to control.
However, if you are talking about the DJM-900 as this thread is referring to... You will need any version of Traktor 2 to work with the DJM-900, or if you want to use timecode as well as the DJM-900, you will need a Scratch 2 version such as Scratch Pro 2 or Scratch Duo 2.
Let me know if that made sense or if it confused you more.
thanks robert for ur reply
foster: yes the cdj-900 not the djm mixer is what iam referring to.
so from what you are saying i can basically plug and play using traktor pro 1 and using traktor scratch 1(not traktor scratch 2)? i mainly wanna use the cdj for playing cd's and using them in my mixes since most of my music is on cd's and dont wanna take up memory space on my mac.
further more would i need to buy an additional audio card to for the cdj or would the built in one in the s4 be enough for all four decks?
@Adrian > Since you are using the CDJ-900, yes you can use any version of Traktor with the CDJ-900 if you use HID mode. This means you connect your CDJ-900 to your Mac via USB cable and you control the software directly from using the CDJ-900. You can use either Traktor version 1 or Traktor 2 with the CDJ-900 in HID mode.
If you want to use "timecode" CD's (which are CD's that contain a variation of frequency tones in order for Traktor Scratch to recognize it and replace that sound with the song you have on your computer), you must have any complete package of Traktor Scratch. You can have Traktor Scratch Duo version 1, Traktor Scratch Pro version 1, Traktor Scratch 2 Duo, or Traktor Scratch Pro 2. In this package, you will need the software, the license, the control "timecode" CD's that come with it, and an external sound card such as the Audio 4, Audio 6, Audio 8, Audio 10 etc.... And if using version 1, you will need the provided 7-pin XLR cables with the sound card.
In your case... it sounds like you want to play all your music off CD's that you have either purchased or burned yourself. If all your music in on CD's, then you don't even need Traktor at all. But if you have some music on your computer that you want to play, and some music on CD's you want to play, then I would say using Traktor in HID mode is much easier because it only requires the software and does not require additional timecode CD's or a different sound card.
Are you using the CDJ-900 as an extra player/deck to plug into an S4?
ah scratch what i said. lol thought you meant DJM900, plus this is the mixer forum.
robert; i just figured i would post here since this thread got alot of feedback and also because it was relevant to the s4.
foster: i completely understand now what u mean about HID mode. thanks for clarifying that for me!
As for mixing yes iam using the cdj-900 as an extra deck/player connected to the s4. i have only one cdj-900 and plan on connecting it to deck "c" on my s4. i do plan on buying another cdj-900 and connecting that to deck "d" on the s4 as well.
i have music both on my computer and on cd's. i basically wanna be able to mix/transition to songs from, music on computer to cd tracks and vice versa (cd tracks to computer tracks). You say its easier to just mix/transition songs with cdj using traktor in HID mode, then i will just do that then! :)
i wanted to know what i needed to make this happen before i go buying something i dont need and waste my time as well. i very much appreciate your help and guidance on this foster!! im barely on a yr dj'ing so im still learning all the ropes but thanks to people like yourself i can better understand these things and pass along the info. the industry is so competitive and people can be rude and careless. i think people forget at times that we all started at knowing nothing.
if you have any other suggestions or info plz let me know. im always open to new insight and info! thanks again for everything foster!
@adrian > I think you should use the CDJ-900/'s as much as you can. You should obviously use them to play your CD's because you don't have another CD player to do that, but you should also connect them via USB to your Mac and use them to control decks C and D in Traktor using HID mode.
The only thing I'm not sure about is: I know you need to have your devices connected to your computer and powered on before you start Traktor, but if you press the "CD" button on the CDJ-900/'s to play a CD, whether Traktor will recognize the player again when you go back to control deck C or D. I will dig up my old Traktor Scratch Pro version 1 (covered in digital dust by know) and test it out this weekend for you.
Yeah, I prefer Traktor HID mode over Traktor "timecode" by far!
You will only need a copy of Traktor that has 4 digital decks, and you don't need the Scratch (timecode) control. So either Traktor Pro version 1 or Traktor Pro 2. If your S4 came with the Pro 2 version it should have come with, then you're good to go.
No problem mate! I'm happy to help and I appreciate your comment. :)
This app will also be handy for you once you get your second CDJ-900. Download the app and the manual at the following link, and use it to set up both your CDJ-900's by creating an aggregate device. This software will do it for you and is handy if you're not use to doing it.
Link: http://pioneer.jp/support/download/dj-e/popup/agri.html
By the way, I think in the near future you're going to love your CDJ-900's so much that you're going to want to sell your S4 and pick up a DJM mixer to use with your 900's! ;) You could still use Traktor, but you can also use Rekordbox which is a really handy software and gets the DJ to focus more on the DJ gear and not look at a computer screen. And some of the DJM mixers offer a lot more and a lot better effects and better EQ'ing than what Traktor has to offer.
Just in case you have future issues, be sure to search the forums if there is already a thread on the same issue because there could already be a solution posted. If you can't find anything, it's best to start a new thread in the proper category. ;)
I'll test that out this weekend and get back to you.
foster: i bought the s4 exactly a year ago this month when it first came out. When i purchased it, traktor pro 1 was the original software it came with. Iam currently still using this to run with the s4. i believe the traktor pro 1 software should be able to run all four digital decks.
i would like to get a full pioneer set up one day with the djm mixer but like everything else equipment is super expensive. have lots and lots of saving to do! i am unfamilar with rekordbox. Is that the default software for the cdj's? i bought my 900 used off some one from craiglist and just got the wires but no software or instruction manuel. ill just download the manuel later off pioneer website.
let me kno the results of your test and thanks for the link to app download. very handy indeed!=D saves me a headache from configuring stuff
@adrian > Please forgive my untimely reply (computer issues). I thought the S4 debut along side Traktor 2?
Yes, Traktor Pro version 1 can run all 4 decks if you have everything set up right.
I was just saying that you want to sell the S4 and pick up a second hand Pioneer mixer and not really spend much on it.
Yes Rekordbox is the standard software for the CDJ-2000's and CDJ-900's with the LINK feature.
Sorry I never got to the tests as my computer screwed up on me, but I will get to it as soon as I can for you! On my to do list! :)