I also noticed that the DJM-800 has locations for these wires so what gives?
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I currently own CDJ-850s and I yesterday I bought a DJM-900 mixer in place of my DJM-350. I didn't know before I bought it but I noticed there doesn't appear to be a location for the control wires coming from my CDJs. Do I loose the fader start functionality now with this cdj / mixer combo? Or am I completely missing something here?
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I also noticed that the DJM-800 has locations for these wires so what gives?
The control is done through the link system on the DJM900 is has no control inputs for fader start. So to make it work you will need CDJ900's or CDJ2000's.
I figured this was the case, thanks.
Correct, the fader start function is carried over link (not available on 350s / 850s).