Take a rca to 3.5mm cable from your record out (back of mixer) and put it into your laptop line in.
Use free software like http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ to record.
Hey guys,
I have 2 CDJ-2000s, a DJM-900 nexus and rekordbox on my laptop. How can I record my mixes with the setup I have?
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Take a rca to 3.5mm cable from your record out (back of mixer) and put it into your laptop line in.
Use free software like http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ to record.
I'm going to put a big "NO!" on Tony's suggestion of using an RCA > minijack cable above (Sorry!) and suggest instead that you use the USB to record from your mixer to the computer as it will keep everything digital! The software as suggested is great as it's free, but if you need specific instructions, just ask.
That make sense, I only just got the mixer and had not thought about this, all my mixes from now on will be via the USB from mixer to PC.
I tried this tonight and audacity while showing the DJM-900 in the recording options, is not coming through, when youhit record the waveform line is flat, so something else it not working :(
I edited the DJM nexus settings for mixer output to be rec out, still nothing.
In windows XP when I go to sounds and device properties, sound playback has nexus selected, I hit volume and I get the following error:
There is a problem with your sound hardware. To install mixer devices, go to control panel, click printers and other hardware, and then click add hardware.
OK I figured out how to play sounds from pc through audacity to mixer (used to used cdj2000), I had to set channel one on the mixer to usb 1/2, how can I get playback through a different channel?
There is some very, very quiet sound being recorded now in audacity, all volumes are fine, still not sure whats wrong.
OK So the very very quiet sound, got louder when I turned the speakers way down and master/channel volume way up, its sounds like really bad skipping, its the song, but almost indistinguishable.
Skipping is gone, sounds is more louder but with everything on max, its nowhere near loud enough.
Sorry to have to keep posting, edit be useful :)
To summarize it seems the recording via the mixer/usb is very quiet compared to rca to line in.
Also how do you change the playback channel?
OK I think I cracked it! I had audacity set to a sampling rate of 96k, but the DJM-900 appears to be on 48k (with no way to change it?).
The samplerate of the DJM-900 can be set by holding the UTILITY button while powering-up the mixer. Use the BEAT > button to select DOUT FS and press the TAP button, then press the BEAT < button to select 48kHz, press the TAP button again and power cycle the mixer.
Cool thank you, so my only other unanswered question is:
When playing music on my desktop via the DJM-900, it comes into the mixer via Channel 1/2, how can I change this to 3/4 for example?
@Tony > You only have that option through certain software; Windows itself defaults the audio to the first pair on the device. An application such as Sound Forge would allow you to select the channel:
...but not all apps allow it, Audacity doesn't even support it as it doesn't use ASIO (it uses MME / DirectSound).
Awesome, thanks for the information!
I was messing with settings tonight to try and get fader start working, I must of changed something on the mixer or audacity, not sure how, anyhow one was 48khz one was 96khz and the whole mix was like it was sped up significantly, what do you suggest 48 on both or 96?
You want to match the settings in the software to those of the hardware.
But what do you suggest 48 on both or 96Khz?
96k is better (double the samples per second of 48k), but if you encounter any glitches or skips in the recording, it's because the system wasn't capable of recording that much to the drive, so try a lower setting!
how in the world can i record using an usb? only thing i could find is an rca to an 3.55mm
@ Pulse: to quote a bit from your first reply, "suggest instead that you use the USB to record from your mixer to the computer as it will keep everything digital!"
If I understand this correctly, I wouldn't be able to use this option to record unless I had cdj's plugged into the 900 nxs via digital in? Because right now, I'm still using mk5's with Serato and none of the above suggestions are working, whether it's with Garage Band, or Audacity. (sorry, no sound forge, etc)
Can i connect a djm 350 on rec out of the 900 nexus and use the usb record festure ?